Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2013
As the title implies there is a large glitch that has occurred in kit pvp. The pitch is allowing "stones" to use the emerald level kits without hacking or cheating. For instance, a "stone" can click on the kit titled "spy" and then choose "tank" and spawn then use /kill and then go back to spawn and click on their own level kits and choose "tank" and get back to where they died and that gear that they had as "spy" is real, legit, and dangerous. I am not making this up!!!! "stones" are going insane with diamonds and killing true "emerald" donors. You must delete "spy" from the kit selector.

I figured this out on my own account yesterday. I could use the emerald level kits and destroy everything and everyone. Then I saw that a "stone" figured it out. I immediately saw what must be done and that is to make sure every admin and mod knows about this immediately.

@halothe23 @rubik_cube_man @SGTkuzey @Divvy1 @Lukey_Dude @jinjo90

You admins and mods must take immediate action. Things are going crazy in kit-pvp!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2013
im not new its just I have school and im not aloud to play on school days since im so addicted to the server


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2013
United Kingdom
The /kill command has been taken away, so it will prevent this form happening, though the stones are now developing more ways to cheat with the spy kit.


Dedicated Member
Oct 20, 2013
You know, why don't we just get rid of the spy kit. Or we could have it where each level kit can only use the items from that level, not level 6. So a lvl 1 kit would use lvl 1 archer, lvl 1 tank, lvl 1 suicide bomber, lvl 1 horseman, lvl 1 wizard, lvl 1 pyro, etc.
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