Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Novice Member
Dec 26, 2017
I was recently asked if I had any ideas for the 100th thread in the Lucky Islands forum, and I hadn’t at the time. But I do have now.

I really like the idea of honoring people, so why not think about different Lucky Island players we would like to honor and post it on this thread? And actually, when it comes down to it, Lucky Islands is not just about an epic game mode, it's about epic players.

I will start, and would like to honor these players:

Kloska. The Swedish youtuber Ufosxm recently called him “the world champion of Lucky Island”, and the fact that he is on the leaderboard on both solo and team makes him deserve that title. His performance is so dominant in most games I've seen him, that it's truly a wonder to watch. What I really appreciate about Kloska is that he is humble and encourages other players and also that he is active on the forums. (He also actively reports cheaters on his youtube channel)

SanCookie. Who doesn’t love Cubecrafts favorite cookie-boy?! ^^ He is on the solo leaderboards, uses blocks like a pro, is active on the forums and is really creative in finding different ways to defeat players. But most of all he manages to always be really funny and he is honoring and kind to other players. The first time I met him was on Pond. We had a great duel, which I (probably with some luck) managed to win. Afterwards in the Lobby he greeted me and complimented my pvp skills and was really friendly. Players who remain that nice and humble even when they get pro deserves our respect.

Liibe & Mandy_PM. These two regularly turn up in my nightmares! ;) They almost always kills me, and Liibe is extremely good with the sword. He zig-zag strafes like a pro and juggles others with ease. Mandy_PM is my arch-enemy, as she always completely destroyed me in my noobier days (I am closing in on her!). But she is really friendly as well, and we now joke about her always killing me :) The worst thing about these two is that they often play in the same party, so meeting them both is REALLY difficult :) They are playing a lot and it wouldn't surprise me if they reach the leaderboards on team mode at some point (Update: just saw that Liibe is nr 4 on the board now)

What players would you like to honor and encourage?
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Gameplay Engineer
Mar 18, 2017
the selfie area
Would like to honor Luisfcm27
He has always been (for as far as I remember) at the top of the solo lucky islands leaderboards!
That's more than a year, with more than 6000 wins ahead of the second player, yeah, he wins alot.
He's also nice, but doesn't talk much.


Novice Member
Dec 26, 2017
Would like to honor Luisfcm27
He has always been (for as far as I remember) at the top of the solo lucky islands leaderboards!
That's more than a year, with more than 6000 wins ahead of the second player, yeah, he wins alot.
He's also nice, but doesn't talk much.

Yeah, really impressive with so many wins in solo!

I think there’s a reason more wins are required to reach the leaderboard on team - many get bored grinding so much games without the social aspect and team spirit of the team mode.


Dedicated Member
Feb 2, 2018
Who doesn’t love Cubecrafts favorite cookie-boy?! ^^ He is on the solo leaderboards, uses blocks like a pro, is active on the forums and is really creative in finding different ways to defeat players. But most of all he manages to always be really funny and he is honoring and kind to other players.

Thank you, thank you. 1 mistake you made, I am not on the solo leaderboards :) Everything else you said is true.


Novice Member
Dec 26, 2017
*dying on the inside* I stopped playing this so people don't remember me D:

Oh, I understand how that must feel - been playing the game before so many others and now being a pro veteran kind of :) But I would like to honor you for making a difference in the chat and reporting people, important stuff!


Pineapplerator - Daily Quotes
Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Mar 27, 2017
Swedish noodles
Oh, I understand how that must feel - been playing the game before so many others and now being a pro veteran kind of :) But I would like to honor you for making a difference in the chat and reporting people, important stuff!
I only "came back" to lucky to make the chat better, I think I have made around 340 Swedish reports in total. Don't know how much better it is since I'm not so active but I hope people notice some difference.

Also, I would like to honor Tayri, she was first on the leaderboard on team Lucky Islands when I started to play on the server. I have played with and against her a lot but she's not active anymore.
I would also like to honor Whalky, he's earlier known as TheBeyond and he was also on the leaderboard when I started to play on Cubecraft. I hated to fight him and almost always lost but his a very good and supportive friend, he's always nice and open to talk.

And the last person I want to honor is Power_Ranger, he just play Lucky Islands when I do but he still deserve to be honored. He help the Swedish people with questions, try to make the chat better, always so nice, fun to play with and he love to open Luckyblocks.
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