1212hawks_ Sep 8, 2016 If anyone is complaining about their reports not getting checked, 80% of my reports haven't gotten a responce
If anyone is complaining about their reports not getting checked, 80% of my reports haven't gotten a responce
1212hawks_ Sep 7, 2016 Can someone offer to teach me dutch? Just in case I get accepted for helper, I do want some dutch knowlage :D
Can someone offer to teach me dutch? Just in case I get accepted for helper, I do want some dutch knowlage :D
1212hawks_ Sep 6, 2016 Um I'm curious. Can someone tell me about the staff interview? I need to prepare if My app gets accepted
Um I'm curious. Can someone tell me about the staff interview? I need to prepare if My app gets accepted
1212hawks_ Sep 5, 2016 any staff wanna go team hunting with me? We'll just look for teamers on solo skywars :D