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  • I honestly don't know where to start. We started as Helper buddies who managed to find a way through a busy network to make it all the way to Mod. Your hard work has been rewarded and soon you made it to SrMod, then even Admin. What you've accomplished over the years is unbelievable. You've had such an impact on the server even though it's been a rollercoaster.
    Thank you for sticking by my side during my admin days, you are truly appreciated! We've had some wonderful times here and some hectic times as well, though all of those will remain good memories!
    You've been a huge part of the volunteer staff-team for such a long time. I remember me being one of your first ever helpers you took care of after Tacos left in 2018, and you have been there along the ride ever since. I'm sorry to see you leave, but I know change can be necessary for everyone and I wish you the best of luck in the future. 💙
    Thank you so much for everything you did for CubeCraft over the past years. It's really sad to see you go 😭
    I wish you the best luck for everything, and please keep being amazing!💙
    Hi Ani, we’ll miss you. I’m wishing you a bright future ahead with many new chances and opportunities! Take care
    Ah i actually felt that you would leave the team yesterday morning :c
    Thanks for everything and goodluck in the future!
    Sadly i joined the team too late, so i was not able to talk to you, but i still wish you all the best on your future way 💙
    You are awesome!
    I don't know what else there is needed to be said other than a massive thank you for everything you've done. You're an amazing friend, and I wish you the best in your future endeavours. I'll pop into your streams from time to time!
    I just saw you have the same birthday as my teacher Dutch. That's amazing, just like what you did the past years
    Stay amazing, wherever you're going
    Thank you so much for everything you have done for me, the community, and the team as a whole.
    You've been nothing less than amazing and I'm wishing you the best for the future <3 Also please don't be a stranger :(
    Thank you for everything you've done to this community and I wish you the best in the future :)
    Thanks for everything, Ani! I wish you the best of luck in the future and don't be a stranger! <3
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