Basketman Apr 16, 2020 @Siftenly You are probably happy how this escalated. I want to thank everyone for the sweet messages (NOT) <3
@Siftenly You are probably happy how this escalated. I want to thank everyone for the sweet messages (NOT) <3
Marieke2001 Apr 16, 2020 Eindelijk mod!! Je helper proces duurde even , maar gelukkig ben je nu mod na 2 jaar ofzo!!
Finixly Apr 16, 2020 Damn you're getting more messages than someone gets when they REALLY gets promoted! Gratz
2pancakes Apr 16, 2020 I like that this is getting out of hand and that Siftenly is probably laughing out loud behind his computer screen.
I like that this is getting out of hand and that Siftenly is probably laughing out loud behind his computer screen.