betty's oldies Dec 14, 2016 *tries to post 1 message but gets the following error message:* "Unacceptable command. We're at maximum messages."
*tries to post 1 message but gets the following error message:* "Unacceptable command. We're at maximum messages."
Earth Dec 12, 2016 people are still asking "when will you get 1k messages" well, the answer is obviousy: NEVER
Earth Dec 11, 2016 OR maybe, just maybe, lower the cooldown everywhere? OR maybe, just maybe, lower the cooldown everywhere?
Earth Dec 7, 2016 everytime i enter the empty spot where the egg used to be in treehouse, I become depressed
Earth Dec 6, 2016 man knocking people off with the shroom / tomahawk is freaking hilarious i legit cant stop laughing