I man , I was ban because my computer do a glitch alone , and some people fraps , and I was banned by that reason , i do my appeal wrong , can you un ban me pls ? my name is iPedro
like i was laging a litle bit but i opened the cubelet and i got the cian glass couler i try it i play once with it it worked but i was laging so i leave the server and i join again when i join i didnt have the cian couler glass can somebody EXPLAIN ME pls!!!!
I wanna say that I have big respect for what you did for Carmenn! You are an example for other staff on how to deal with unfair bans or bans by mistakes.
Thank you for dealing with it that quick!
They put the code that you are 6629312DAT10--023A9010873912___&%&&$@#User:(88)_---Mail99187931231-23:(88)89-dmknaMciniacaraftPaswordjiw223009:(88)Datammient(866348)--+--0001277456778:(8HotKey8)
Hello cubecraft a guy trying to steal their accounts first server said to have a pencil note and then said to have a code to get you data his name is BeloTute
Hi, my name is JuggheadJones, but when I purchased the Lapiz rank (last year) it was jugghead_jones and my rank is now gone. I haven't logged in since around last Christmas but now I return to my rank's leaving. How can I retrieve my rank?
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