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  • Oh no D: We've had some history.. Thanks for your work and everything else you've done for the server. Good luck with your future, you'll never be forgotten!
    Spain but the S is silent😕 Thank you for everything you've done for this server and for me as a person, I can't describe how grateful I am to have a wonderful person like you in my life. You really deserve better than this elen!💜
    Thanks for everything! It is so sad to see you leave as an admin!
    You have accomplished amazing things, I have always looked up to you, I'm sure you'll do great in whatever it is you are doing in the future.
    I will never forget you, pls don't forget all of us 💕
    Thanks for everything, Elenahh! It is really sad to see you leave. I'm wishing you the best of luck with your future endeavors. ❤️
    Almost 2 years ago, someone told me that i should apply for helper, because i had the potential to become a good staff member. It hadn't even crossed my mind, but that person made me think about it and get more involved with the community. Helper applications closed for a short while after, but when they reopened i took that as a sign to apply. (1/3)
    2 years later I am a proud staff member of a wonderful community i love and watched grow, all thanks to that person who believed in me all along. That person was you.
    Thank you, really, for all that you've done for this community. You truly deserve to be remembered for your massive efforts and community-driven initiatives, I can assure CubeCraft wouldn't be the same without you (2/3)
    Just as you influenced me you inspired many people to get more involved in this wonderful community. I'm sure there's a bright future ahead for you, and i hope you'll look back at your time here and think it was worthwhile, because it truly was. I think I can speak on behalf of everyone when I say you will be missed ♥️ (3/3)
    You will forever be our beloved leader Elen! I cannot even begin to thank you for everything you've done for Cube and I hope you'll always remain such an enlightening and amazing person ♥️
    Hope we can keep on touch!
    You taught me how to deal with situations, helped me improved my communication with others, taught me how to manage a team and assisted the entire TT with our issues. You did an OUTSTANDING job as an admin and as a leader. I'm sure that the team you made from zero will remember all of your hard work. We all will really, really miss you. I just hope that I can still see you around.
    See you on the flipside.
    Thanks for everything Elena! Good luck in the future ❤️
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