Komodо Jan 10, 2020 Are you really 14? At my age I can’t even write such a well structured critique as you did! (Probably not even in my mother tongue)
Are you really 14? At my age I can’t even write such a well structured critique as you did! (Probably not even in my mother tongue)
Eli Jan 9, 2020 New Thread, u should read it! https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/a-cubecraft-critique.224893/
Eli Jan 3, 2020 The amount of times I accidentally ignore someone instead of tapping “profile” is insane. A Cubecraft app would be the dream.
The amount of times I accidentally ignore someone instead of tapping “profile” is insane. A Cubecraft app would be the dream.
Eli Dec 29, 2019 I keep getting Instagram follow requests from random cubecraft players I’ve never seen in my life