Eli Sep 16, 2019 Am I the only person that doesn’t receive plus lounge notifications even if I already watched the sub-forum?
Am I the only person that doesn’t receive plus lounge notifications even if I already watched the sub-forum?
Eli Sep 11, 2019 “A bit of madness is key. To give us new colors, to see. Who knows where it will lead us? And that’s why they need us.”
“A bit of madness is key. To give us new colors, to see. Who knows where it will lead us? And that’s why they need us.”
Eli Sep 2, 2019 The OwO and UwU emotes make me uncomfortable. And in my most sincere opinion... they look hideous lol
The OwO and UwU emotes make me uncomfortable. And in my most sincere opinion... they look hideous lol