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  • I got banned a while ago for using no fall, i really miss the server, i'm seeing videos on the new update on egg wars, i regret doing everything i did, i don't hack anymore, i've tried the appeal but i've changed my name since i've been banned and it doesn't seem to work, what do i do?
    Theres A glitch in super craft bros which is if your a creeper and explode your self and you die it messes up your spawn
    1. Dont spam staff profiles
    2. report this on the report/bug section....
    bug reported n hopefully being fixed soon!
    Someone in my class looks exactly like you, it's pretty scary... Actually I think you and her are one person, living here in Utrecht. :D
    hi i am tymen de jong from the Netherlands and i have a question, i have band on cubecraft but i have no hacks and i play it with my friends ,,, now i can't play it ..... my username is : CatsPotato i hear from you :D bye
    Hey i Dylannetje i am banned for hacking.
    I played 24/7 on Cubecraft.
    It was 2 Months ago.
    I deleted the hacks and use it not more.
    My IGN Was _SchaapjePvP_
    Hopefully can you unban me?
    I already appeald but it was not accepted
    I have also screenshots with my previous MC Account
    here can you see.
    Hi Exciting_pancake i am trying to make a purchase in the online store and i have a prepaid visa gift card how can i pay even though they do not give me the option on paymentwall
    Go through all the methods then when you have a choice what kind of card, I believe there is a pre-paid card option
    I have a problem to buy the iron range, I do not cards I use paymentwall, I wanted to do the payment with credit card or paypal, taking advantage of the discount
    There is a credit card opinion through payment wall :)
    Helllo Exciting_pancake, can you please unban me beacause I've been banned for a long time now and I would like to play again. and i already deleted my hacks for a long time and i don't now who banned me, so can you please unban me.
    I have made mistakes with my hacks and i will never download them again.
    My minecraft name is OmdatErwin
    Hi good afternoon , I would like to ask a favor , I spent many hours on this server , I have been banned and I would like to know what to do when I already rejected the appeal . Please answer me. Thank you.
    Yeah,unbann him he don't know what was he oing
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