Fesa Jun 1, 2020 Remember when I said I was going to make a command block thing for every staff?, I accidentally deleted all my world so... those are gone :(
Remember when I said I was going to make a command block thing for every staff?, I accidentally deleted all my world so... those are gone :(
RAGEQUITTED FOREVER May 26, 2020 I hate my life btw all my mutes were because kids bullied me till I raged.
ItzJqlmer May 23, 2020 You'll hit the 1000 messages in like a week xD I literally dont know how you got this energy to reply on basically every thread. :D
You'll hit the 1000 messages in like a week xD I literally dont know how you got this energy to reply on basically every thread. :D
Fesa May 15, 2020 Hey! Psst! Admins!! Wrong direction, you need to go here! https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/kingdom-wars.236713/
Hey! Psst! Admins!! Wrong direction, you need to go here! https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/kingdom-wars.236713/
remio May 1, 2020 Hello, thanks finally using the default font and thus saving my eyes! You will now be released from prison.
Hello, thanks finally using the default font and thus saving my eyes! You will now be released from prison.