Aimee2323 Jun 15, 2014 Deadas the stalker. gedas001 was last seen: Viewing member profile Aimee2323, A moment ago
gedas001 Jun 15, 2014 The day before yesterday, Chris was 7 years old. Next year, she'll turn 10. How is this possible? (derp)
The day before yesterday, Chris was 7 years old. Next year, she'll turn 10. How is this possible? (derp)
iGoesMurp Jun 8, 2014 I have a question you closed the appeal of my and u said u warned me what did u warn me for
gedas001 Jun 5, 2014 Question of my day: Would you rather live in a world with giant and peaceful gummy bears, or live in a world where hover boards exist?
Question of my day: Would you rather live in a world with giant and peaceful gummy bears, or live in a world where hover boards exist?