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Joe Henry
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  • HELLO I´M EnderPlaysHD_YT and I´m here to say you that they mutted me and now i can´t speak I belive it´s rong to do spam and I´m very sorry about this I´m shure that i´m not going to do more spam
    and i cant put an appeal because it puts this:
    Your mute appeal has been unsuccessful.
    Your appeal has been declined and can not be submitted again.

    will you tell me how to message you? i have some good screenshots to show you of the td lobby i hope you could post.
    Do u Know When al helper applys are Readed Or Over? They Said U Will get an alert if he is denied or Accepted c;

    Greetzzz : OfficialScott/Scott Much Love to ur Staff <3
    I am new to this forum, but helper application's are closed, I think.
    Grabbing a while Abia bought the diamond range and not given me an c if I give you the range this is my nick : coqui_ninja_YT hope your answer
    Hey i Dylannetje i am banned for hacking.
    I played 24/7 on Cubecraft.
    It was 2 Months ago.
    I deleted the hacks and use it not more.
    My IGN Was _SchaapjePvP_
    Hopefully can you unban me?
    I already appeald but it was not accepted
    Btw i have screenshots with my back MC Account
    If your appeal has been refused, you will not be unbanned, sorry.
    Hello, I am banned from your server for my account, TheSpartanOps, being an at account to Eca. However, i have no alt accounts and have never been on the server, so i don't have a screenshot of myself on the CubeCraft server. Can you do anything?
    Hello, I am banned from your server for my account, blueman58, being an at account to Eca. However, i have no alt accounts and have never been on the server, so i don't have a screenshot of myself on the CubeCraft server. Can you do anything?
    Hola, Mira lo que pasa es que me gustaria comprar un rango pero solo veo un medio de pago y no me es posible acceder por que no colocan mas medios?
    Yes Joe! Here you go, translate it! Goodluck xd
    can you help me. my friend his brother is banned from CubeCraft. it's a boy from 8 years alt. he don't know what hacks is. how can he use hacks.
    can you unban him. his mc name is Griptor13.
    hi guys wanted to report that my user account was hacked and JhonyOMG can not go I hope your kind reply
    Britney Spears
    If you want to report someone you need to have video evidence. without video evidence , the hacker won't be banned.
    I am muted, on my nickname xGellieGel, i have changed my name to _EmeraldGamer_ so is my mute now permanent? because it is not on that nickname, if so can you unmute me on 26 March then my mute should be over, Thanks
    • Haha
    Reactions: Wauterrr
    Britney Spears
    Are you banned/muted ? Appeal right here : https://appeals.cubecraft.net/ . Staff members will react to apeals when they have time , be patient and goodluck with your unban/unmute :).
    I love playing Egg wars but i do not like the 1.9 combat it makes it easier for people to camp and makes battles to slow.And I'm not alone. I can guarantee that many people feel the same way. The combat has just ruined it for me. I'm just suggesting you put up some no cool down combat maps for people to play on then decide on the stats whether you should get rid of the cool down or keep it.
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