JokeKaedee Jul 10, 2020 Sooooo what are some Netflix Suggestions? Movies and series of any genre. Early good night to all of you <333333
Sooooo what are some Netflix Suggestions? Movies and series of any genre. Early good night to all of you <333333
JokeKaedee Jul 5, 2020 Imagine clicking on 'delete' by accident after spending 2 full hours on making a document with templates. Couldn't be me, pfsshh xd
Imagine clicking on 'delete' by accident after spending 2 full hours on making a document with templates. Couldn't be me, pfsshh xd
JokeKaedee Jun 18, 2020 So.. did the egg or the chicking come first? I think it's the egg, because Dinosaurs used to lay eggs too right? Help me out pls ;d
So.. did the egg or the chicking come first? I think it's the egg, because Dinosaurs used to lay eggs too right? Help me out pls ;d
I forgive you c: