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  • 1635535746213.png

    yay! Level Up..... 30 Left! :'D I pretty much gained a lot of stuff and milestones today at solo sky, duels and now the level! Even if I didn't play much today! :D
    (psst @Fesa, how do you do the xp one that you showed?)
    I wrote my own Discord bot.
    The levels themselves are an arithmetic row so you have a bunch of formulas. That part of the bot simply does a bunch of Math.
    Nice bot, @Fesa, still your bot calcs some games in the screen, while I play very much all of the games, and if I wanted to grind xp then I would choose games with guaranteed dubs like solo sky, duels, and MinerWare.. And I get 10k xp today, so 500k shouldn't be MUCHH you know, like shouldn't be a LOT..

    _SFoo probably spent this time period like maybe 20-30 multipliers, Idk what is he doing with his life. After he knows that levels don't matter especially when someone uses multipliers a lot, he will regret and cry lol..... he is even may spent more than $500 on multipliers. Of course, I love multipliers! But I don't think that GRINDING them is a good sign of a good player.

    I mean, we can be laggy friends! @HellIsHot lol
    (That was when I was so laggy and I was curious about you and how much ping u have, soo oh well.. ( I usually get 70-130 ping so that is not the average nor do I think it was HellIsHot's average.. yk...)
    Hai guys, I have come back to school, aannnnddd my holiday finished soooo, no more 4 hrs plus gameplay ;( | and might be not even active on the server just on forums! Enjoy your time guys :D
    I hope this takes 20 agree @Matriox :D

    (Even if I don't have nitro but I am pretty sure that nitro users would be happy with it!)
    Thanks for the follow!! :)
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    After you know, the message you gave, I was surprised I didn't follow you! <3
    Can anybody tell me how did 9259 got to emerald rank while he was already obsidian for a loooong time????

    Probably you know him but if you are living under a rock then.. here:

    Idk if he did this but you can request for a rank demotion and they'll actually do it. If you'd ask why, some people just like emerald green better than obi and since there's not many difference between the two ranks they sometimes do that
    Ahhh, yeah I know that they are so close to each other, and yea probably he did that.. but still it's kinda weird, hmmm...
    Check this out!
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