Livvv Aug 6, 2018 I was looking through my reports, 828 accepted, 43 already punished, 45 denied and 1 open, I'm bored now.
I was looking through my reports, 828 accepted, 43 already punished, 45 denied and 1 open, I'm bored now.
Livvv Aug 2, 2018 I met a youtuber in duels, tried to find videos of him playing on the server but wasn't able to find a single video from Cubecraft.
I met a youtuber in duels, tried to find videos of him playing on the server but wasn't able to find a single video from Cubecraft.
Livvv Jul 31, 2018 "The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best out of everything."
Livvv Jul 30, 2018 "When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you've got a thousand reasons to smile."
"When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you've got a thousand reasons to smile."
Livvv Jul 29, 2018 "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain."
Livvv Jul 27, 2018 We cry when we lose but do we ever think about that someone else lose when we win?
Livvv Jul 26, 2018 So uhm... I was playing solo lucky islands and.... I got so scared when I won the game so I fell off a bridge..
So uhm... I was playing solo lucky islands and.... I got so scared when I won the game so I fell off a bridge..
Livvv Jul 25, 2018 "We live, we die. We steal, we kill, we lie, just like animals but with far less grace."
Livvv Jul 24, 2018 Don't get upset if someone calls you kid, just turn your back and show who the real kid is. Young people are pretty smart too.
Don't get upset if someone calls you kid, just turn your back and show who the real kid is. Young people are pretty smart too.