Livvv Apr 29, 2018 "I'm my closest friend, I remind myself again, better treat her well 'cause she's with me till the end."
"I'm my closest friend, I remind myself again, better treat her well 'cause she's with me till the end."
Livvv Apr 29, 2018 14 kills and a team mate who died stole 3 kills from me but eh...
Livvv Apr 27, 2018 I just joined parkour to check it out, this was so damn laggy:
Livvv Apr 26, 2018 Does anyone else got problems with the chest you get Cubelets and free xp from? It says 8 rewards even though I got 0, WEIRD.
Does anyone else got problems with the chest you get Cubelets and free xp from? It says 8 rewards even though I got 0, WEIRD.
Livvv Apr 26, 2018 More players on TD than on sg but I'm still lonely and nobody wants to play with me D: