pipe_roca Mar 7, 2016 Hey Lowfat, im the man of the thread u locked and only want u to answer what i said only that i dont think is so dificult
Hey Lowfat, im the man of the thread u locked and only want u to answer what i said only that i dont think is so dificult
LowFat Mar 7, 2016 Hey! Check this out: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/1-9-blockwars-rebalance-suggestion.95733/
LowFat Mar 6, 2016 #MakeCubeCraftGreatAgain & support my suggestion that block wars is a fast paced game and should not use the 1.9 sword cool down.
#MakeCubeCraftGreatAgain & support my suggestion that block wars is a fast paced game and should not use the 1.9 sword cool down.
A A AdrianGamerHD Mar 6, 2016 Hello, one thing I am banned from the store when you told me I could buy again the range and will not let me buy today can only help me please.
Hello, one thing I am banned from the store when you told me I could buy again the range and will not let me buy today can only help me please.
M M Morribro Mar 6, 2016 Hey i bought rank iron there stands i need to whait 5min and i'm whaiting for 3.30hours plzz fix it
LowFat Mar 5, 2016 Please don't ask for my promotion here :P I truly appreciate it, but it is unnecessary and I will be promoted when it's my time. Thanks <3
Please don't ask for my promotion here :P I truly appreciate it, but it is unnecessary and I will be promoted when it's my time. Thanks <3
Read the last post of this thread (relating to opening separate servers for 1.8 and 1.9).
If your original thread was locked, there is always a reason for it.