Grimmay Dec 27, 2016 Dont get too close to me with that dog. I might have to steal it :-P It's so adorable!!!
Marieke2001 Dec 26, 2016 4 hours ago I left my grandmothers house, but I now realise how much I miss my grandfather. 2016 has been a weird year.
4 hours ago I left my grandmothers house, but I now realise how much I miss my grandfather. 2016 has been a weird year.
SkoodyDood Dec 19, 2016 So close to 100 followers. D: I'll never catch up if I keep going with my current schedule. ;/
SkoodyDood Dec 14, 2016 What's that on your shirt? It looks like a bunch if roses that were run over. (No offense)
Marieke2001 Dec 12, 2016 I'll do a 1,5k messages special, because I didn't make an 1k special. Deal with it :3.