Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Recent content by ProfParzival

  1. ProfParzival

    Poll Is the VIP level 30 worth it?

    Just having 300 friend slots at lvl 30 so you don't have to keep apologising as to why you can't add anyone is worth it... I remember only having I think something like 30 FR slots... was super annoying
  2. ProfParzival

    Java Bring back Speed Eggwars! 🥚⚔️🔥

    Anyone got any videos of it so we can see what it was like?
  3. ProfParzival

    Bedrock EggWars Unable to buy from the shop while food is selected

    Since the latest season update it's not been possible (for me at least) to buy from the shop while food (gapples or steak etc) is selected in the hotbar. I think this functionality was intended for weapons so that you didn't go into the shop while in a fight but now it, weirdly, applies to food.
  4. ProfParzival

    All Networks 💜 Lets Talk: Partner Program 💜

    I applaud your creation of this discussion. I do however have a very big disagreement with the premise of your argument though.. Lets unpack this statement.... "Partners got a lot of perks/extra’s to make even more amazing content while cube didn’t really get to much out of it." Firstly...
  5. ProfParzival

    Lobby Leaderboards

    Why don't we have lobby leaderboards like on other servers...? I've wondered this for years. Why are the leadeboards hidden away about 5 levels deep in menus where only players that go looking for them can find them?
  6. ProfParzival

    Nominate Your CubeCraft GOATs 🏆

    Keep 'em coming :-) Keep nominating
  7. ProfParzival

    Nominate Your CubeCraft GOATs 🏆

  8. ProfParzival

    Nominate Your CubeCraft GOATs 🏆

    My Nominations... GOAT PVP: xclutchingg, lightschips, LemaXB, GOAT Bow User: qLewis, joshplaysgames GOAT Controller Player: shu, GOAT Youtuber: relatednoobs GOAT Skywars: gamenight888
  9. ProfParzival

    Nominate Your CubeCraft GOATs 🏆

    Bridges Team Category GOAT Nomination ^^^ Nice Hopefully we'll get categories like.. Eggwars Overall. Egg Solos, Egg Duos, Egg Mega, etc Skywars Overall etc ..but also.. GOAT PVP, GOAT Bow User, GOAT Melee etc. Even, maybe, GOAT Streamer, GOAT Youtuber or idk
  10. ProfParzival

    Nominate Your CubeCraft GOATs 🏆

    Hey All, Been on Cube seemingly forever and gonna retire soon but I was wondering who are the GOATS (greatest of all time) on cube in each game mode? —the players who leave everyone else in the dust. Think you know the best of the best? Nominate them for CubeCraft GOAT: How to Nominate...
  11. ProfParzival


  12. ProfParzival

    @profparzival found in the wild!

    Almost certainly will just quit
  13. ProfParzival

    @profparzival found in the wild!

    ... Mojang recently announced that they are dropping VR support in Minecraft in March '25... and I am level 199 so I've been online grinding hard to be able to get to the point where I can do a final "goodbye" livestream and hopefully get level 200 live on stream. Still working on when the...
  14. ProfParzival

    @profparzival found in the wild!

    hey mum, look thats me!! :-)
  15. ProfParzival

    nice one - cheers - likewise :-)

    nice one - cheers - likewise :-)
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