RaZerDB Feb 18, 2017 Almost every pp are pictures of cats! Is this a cat army or something? Let me know!
RaZerDB Feb 16, 2017 What happened to @Nixon? He used to have 2000 likes and now 800?! He also had a pp saying 'That monkey is a banana spy'.
What happened to @Nixon? He used to have 2000 likes and now 800?! He also had a pp saying 'That monkey is a banana spy'.
RaZerDB Feb 15, 2017 Omg i lost so many likes! I swear i got 519. (Pls don't say 'Why do you care about likes?')
RaZerDB Feb 14, 2017 5th time I got kicked by the AC. Lagging so much that people think I'm flying. Pls don't ban me. @Marieke2001 save me
5th time I got kicked by the AC. Lagging so much that people think I'm flying. Pls don't ban me. @Marieke2001 save me
RaZerDB Feb 6, 2017 Again kids are calling hacks at me! Instead of responding back to them saying 'I don't hack', type 'mad cause bad'.
Again kids are calling hacks at me! Instead of responding back to them saying 'I don't hack', type 'mad cause bad'.