Silco Jan 6, 2022 Sand! How you doing? And why the no(v)ice member now? Is it because you are too old for any other rank?
Sand! How you doing? And why the no(v)ice member now? Is it because you are too old for any other rank?
Silco Dec 20, 2021 Hmm you should be SnowCookie in the winter. Snow is almost kinda possibly maybe like the winter version of sand
Hmm you should be SnowCookie in the winter. Snow is almost kinda possibly maybe like the winter version of sand
khco Dec 3, 2021 Hey San! How is your life, back hurts? 121 years is tough to live. Spoiler: Hmm "Psst, what is your real age? Must be hmm, 19?"
Hey San! How is your life, back hurts? 121 years is tough to live. Spoiler: Hmm "Psst, what is your real age? Must be hmm, 19?"