SlinkyGnu05604 Apr 4, 2020 Casually plays mega SkyWars. People voting for OP. Me: Vote normal. People: NO
SlinkyGnu05604 Apr 1, 2020 Easter is here and was announced in the news article. Mega SkyWars: Am I a joke to you?
SlinkyGnu05604 Mar 25, 2020 Anyone have a strategy to kill Infernal Skeletons flawlessly on SkyBlock?
SlinkyGnu05604 Mar 24, 2020 I’ve gotten into the most stressful game of EggWars bedrock. Will I win?
I’ve gotten into the most stressful game of EggWars bedrock. Will I win?
SlinkyGnu05604 Mar 23, 2020 Is it me or is the Java server laggy? I just wanted to go to Skyblock and continue with some tasks
SlinkyGnu05604 Mar 19, 2020 The center of the Modern EggWars map reminds me of Nuketown for some reason
SlinkyGnu05604 Mar 17, 2020 So I’ve seen Keanu, Ducky, and Junior all in the Java 1.8 server within a few mins of each other
SlinkyGnu05604 Mar 17, 2020
SlinkyGnu05604 Mar 14, 2020 That moment when you target an enemy and another player also targets that person and the player says teamers when they aren’t teaming
That moment when you target an enemy and another player also targets that person and the player says teamers when they aren’t teaming
SlinkyGnu05604 Mar 14, 2020 I won my first ever survival games round on Java with 5 kills and then won another one after it with 6 kills
I won my first ever survival games round on Java with 5 kills and then won another one after it with 6 kills
SlinkyGnu05604 Mar 12, 2020 The video is now complete. It’s a video about me playing with streamers. It took me 3 days to record it since I had to search and hope
The video is now complete. It’s a video about me playing with streamers. It took me 3 days to record it since I had to search and hope
SlinkyGnu05604 Mar 11, 2020 I got a new video in the works and it’s a unique one, it’s taking me awhile to do. It’s half way done as I post this
I got a new video in the works and it’s a unique one, it’s taking me awhile to do. It’s half way done as I post this
SlinkyGnu05604 Mar 8, 2020 Ok now there’s officially no helpers on the server. I’m going to take a guess and say that there’s a new wave of helpers coming soon
Ok now there’s officially no helpers on the server. I’m going to take a guess and say that there’s a new wave of helpers coming soon
SlinkyGnu05604 Mar 1, 2020 March, the month between Valentines and Easter. Not sure what to expect this month other than new maps
March, the month between Valentines and Easter. Not sure what to expect this month other than new maps
SlinkyGnu05604 Feb 29, 2020 Last night, I did my first livestream on my new PC! It was a bedrock stream but dropped a sneak peek of Java shaders gameplay at the end
Last night, I did my first livestream on my new PC! It was a bedrock stream but dropped a sneak peek of Java shaders gameplay at the end
SlinkyGnu05604 Feb 27, 2020 10K subs for YT rank now? That’s awesome! The population will increase on the server, which is a good thing
10K subs for YT rank now? That’s awesome! The population will increase on the server, which is a good thing