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  • do you guys know how to confront a bad friend who changed from being bubbly and understanding to angry and sadistic? i hate who he has become
    ohh thank you
    Ik this is a bit of a late reply, but maybe they have something on at home of something? I mean, no excuse for being mean, but if they were lovely before and suddenly changed something might have happened behind the scenes. Maybe you could gently check. Idk, just my thoughts. Hope they're nice eventually/you get friends who are better to you. :)
    i was thinking they have something going on themself
    i literally hate this holiday so much im being forced to talk to people that i have never seen before in my life for the next 5 days, its only been a few hours and i despise it already which is not a good sign
    guys idk what to think, they gave my curry and fried chicken instead of korean fried chicken but then its actually nice 💀💀
    guys is it right that my mum doesnt let me put street rubbish in the bin cos its a good thing to do but then shes all paranoid and says tHaT peRsOn cOuLd hAvE aiDs oR hEpAtiTiS like girl you telling me that im addicted to my phone but you watch facebook stories about unlikely stuff and then you get paranoid abt them smh like i get ur a doctor but ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN OMD
    • Haha
    Reactions: BurntCrown8876
    I‘d sanitize any part of my body that touched that, but as long as you do that I would say ur fine, listen to ur parents most of the time tho
    so my mum is right but thats a bit far what she says will happen, gonna carry sanitiser around now
    So what do you do with your rubbish? I mean is your neighbour going to walk up to your bin, say "Ooh, this looks nice. It's solarxysm's (Or ur name) bin. And then go wiping their hands all over it or whatever, contaminating it? Hmm, doubt it.. depending where you live 😂 No, but just wash your hands when you come in - then you're fine. And if your Mum says it could be the bin people contaminating it: They wear gloves

    second highest 🎉
    guys i have a test in an hour can u check my trig notes?
    i dont know but im in year 8(7th grade)and i thought there would be trig in our math test since it was a test and the teachers said there was smt we never did 💀 the test was acc easy tho and we learned every single thing in there its just the wording that confused people so it turns out i didnt even need to revise 8 pages of trig 😭😭
    Trigonometry in 7th grade? Wow
    yea.. turns out i didnt need to revise it but oh well

    also ty for the follow have one back

    check it out ☺️ actually read it before disagreeing.
    guys what do i do i caught one of my teachers lacking 💀💀 i have like over 3 facebook pages worth of weird comments
    Deleted member 594531
    The one I saw was alot worse and I didn’t expect that from a teacher…
    well theres at least one weird teacher everywhere
    Deleted member 594531
    the thing that annoys me is that she is the best science teacher but after I saw her vid in yt I am really disappointed and I regret searching it I can’t even say what she did Becuase that’s not appropriate in the forums

    anyway i had my surgery today and my finger feels fixed now and im skipping school for 2 days woooo but when i get back its going to be so hard doing work
    guess which lucky man broke his finger and lost his nail in a school door 💀
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