SpookyWarz Feb 2, 2019 Why do i stay up until 5am if i know i'm gonna be alone most of the time and that I've got nothing to do :v
Why do i stay up until 5am if i know i'm gonna be alone most of the time and that I've got nothing to do :v
SpookyWarz Jan 29, 2019 That one moment when you go to private message someone on Facebook and you then end up waving at them instead
That one moment when you go to private message someone on Facebook and you then end up waving at them instead
E E EpikCaik Jan 21, 2019 I was playing skywars with my friend and someone, username is ozzyhidgon, used a lava bucket to kill me and attempted to kill my friend.
I was playing skywars with my friend and someone, username is ozzyhidgon, used a lava bucket to kill me and attempted to kill my friend.
SpookyWarz Jan 17, 2019 Gonna become less active for the next 2 weeks due to exams (Will still be around if needed :) )
_The13thDoctor_ Jan 16, 2019 "SnowyWarz was last seen: Viewing member profile White Diamond, 11 minutes ago" OwO
O another request have the server have more player? Please say me that the server is better than the last year