D Deleted member 492126 Feb 14, 2020 "Hey, I hope you had a great valentine's day! I really like your jokes :D" - A secret admirer
P P Priley Feb 1, 2020 Isn't it worth pointing out that there's a new interview in your staff status and history thread?
SnowyWarz Jan 15, 2020 "I know it's no the queen mate. I don't know who it is. Just some guy mate. It's just cyldedale's banks employee of the month or somebody"
"I know it's no the queen mate. I don't know who it is. Just some guy mate. It's just cyldedale's banks employee of the month or somebody"
Story Jan 10, 2020 1917 is one of the best movies I have ever seen. Please go watch it in the cinema.
- Another secret admirer