ThatOnePeanutGuy Jun 5, 2014 For future reference, if you're arguing with me, I want you to know that you are speaking with a peanut therefore your argument is invalid.
For future reference, if you're arguing with me, I want you to know that you are speaking with a peanut therefore your argument is invalid.
ThatOnePeanutGuy Jun 3, 2014 500 messages and 75 likes. I am never posting another message or allowing another like to ruin this moment. EVER. (Until I cant take it...)
500 messages and 75 likes. I am never posting another message or allowing another like to ruin this moment. EVER. (Until I cant take it...)
ThatOnePeanutGuy Jun 3, 2014 I was born at a VERY young age. Practically a baby, I know, hard to imagine.
ThatOnePeanutGuy May 22, 2014 If only I had the skill to pvp, then I too, could be accused of being a hacker. Alas, this is not the life for me.
If only I had the skill to pvp, then I too, could be accused of being a hacker. Alas, this is not the life for me.
ThatOnePeanutGuy May 15, 2014 Why can't work be like Minecraft? I think it would be much more entertaining.
ThatOnePeanutGuy May 12, 2014 Who's got over 200 comments? I'll give you a hint. His name starts with e and ends with brit1. Have you guessed yet? Its me!
Who's got over 200 comments? I'll give you a hint. His name starts with e and ends with brit1. Have you guessed yet? Its me!
ThatOnePeanutGuy May 12, 2014 Did you know it costs more to make a US nickel than the five cents it is worth? It probably costs more than I have in my bank account too ;)
Did you know it costs more to make a US nickel than the five cents it is worth? It probably costs more than I have in my bank account too ;)
ThatOnePeanutGuy May 6, 2014 4 followers?!?! That's only 996 less than 1000!!! I am on a roll :P Watch out world, here comes the Peanut man!!!
4 followers?!?! That's only 996 less than 1000!!! I am on a roll :P Watch out world, here comes the Peanut man!!!
Divvy1 May 6, 2014 omgs dood u totes gotta follo th@ divy1 kid he hav folowrs but he nead mor so pls folo hem Jk.