TheLucian Nov 8, 2016 Guys 4 reports today. I think I'm gonna call it. I had a great time talking to @CARDAN16 and @Camezonda and @Soph .
Guys 4 reports today. I think I'm gonna call it. I had a great time talking to @CARDAN16 and @Camezonda and @Soph .
TheLucian Nov 7, 2016 Any input?
Any input?
TheLucian Nov 6, 2016 Will be trying to reach 200-250 messages today, let me know if you have questions.
TheLucian Nov 6, 2016 Congrats to all the new helpers and all the new moods ;) hope I ca. Join all soon.
RoboticToast Nov 6, 2016 Why are you spamming non-staff profiles and saying congrats on helper, while they aren't helper.
TheLucian Nov 6, 2016 Think i gonna sing off. I had a great day/night with all of you guys. Loved talking to you all. Let me know if any =one has any questions.GN
Think i gonna sing off. I had a great day/night with all of you guys. Loved talking to you all. Let me know if any =one has any questions.GN
TheLucian Nov 5, 2016 I just want to say a big thanks to the developer team and @rubik_cube_man for this amazing work. Think, this is all code no plugins. Thanks
I just want to say a big thanks to the developer team and @rubik_cube_man for this amazing work. Think, this is all code no plugins. Thanks
TheLucian Nov 5, 2016 My favorite forums post ->
My favorite forums post ->
TheLucian Oct 31, 2016 Happy Halloween!!! I am going to take a week break. Will try to awnser all the questions.