Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Recent content by Vqlah

  1. Vqlah

    All Networks Denied Minerware Win/Loser Box

    No you can just jump different ways, its better then standing still or spectating.
  2. Vqlah

    All Networks Denied Minerware Win/Loser Box

    That's too much work. Just adding 2 bigger boxes with a little parkour in it would be a small, but big change
  3. Vqlah

    All Networks Denied Minerware Win/Loser Box

    Something like this, just a little parkour. (I like the right one more than the left one)
  4. Vqlah

    All Networks Denied Minerware Win/Loser Box

    So making the 6x6 a 10x10 isnt possible? cause just a little parcour with a few jumps can fit in there. Even only making the box a few blocks bigger would be better than what it is now.
  5. Vqlah

    Maybe a who can mine the most ores game for minerware?

    Hey, maybe you could explain what you think off with this microgame/bossgame. Now it's not clear what you want the game to look like. As you said "Yeah but my idea is a bit different". What's your idea? :) Anddd I think this needs to be in Feedback & Suggestions but I'm not sure😁
  6. Vqlah

    CubeCraft Birthday Calendar!

    October 9th! 🙂
  7. Vqlah

    All Networks Retain Member Argument

    I don't understand why they removed Among slimes but keeped the featured games that don't even work properly. Maybe Among slimes wasn't the most popular game on the Cubecraft network anymore, but it was defenitely still being played by quiet decent amount of people. AND the game wasn't full of...
  8. Vqlah

    All Networks Denied Minerware Win/Loser Box

    This whole suggestion is to make spectating better/easier?????? Its not that it HAS to be a parcour but just something to make it more ''fun'' Shouldnt be a thing that you have to do something beside minecraft if you're playing on a server probably because you're bored. Apparently people dont...
  9. Vqlah

    All Networks Denied Minerware Win/Loser Box

    3 People reacting with disagree.. Leave an argument bruv
  10. Vqlah

    All Networks Denied Minerware Win/Loser Box

    Hey! I was playing minerware today and got bored while waiting after I lost the boss game. Sometimes you have to wait 2+ minutes in a boss game if you lost. I think this is really boring because the box is only 6x6. I always see a lot of players leave the game if they die early in the game...
  11. Vqlah

    Implemented Storm Team colours

    They should add the helicopters back! #BOOS
  12. Vqlah

    Implemented Battle Zone

    BUMP need 6 more agrees so it gets forwarded :)
  13. Vqlah

    Implemented Battle Zone

    Hi, I want to talk about Battle Zone, the game that has countless bugs for quite a long time now. some of the bugs ; - People spawning in the border at the start of a game. - People suffocating at the start of a game. - People's screen glitching at the start of a game, not being able to do...
  14. Vqlah

    Best CubeCraft Memories

  15. Vqlah

    Planned Minerware changes

    BUMP need 2 more agrees to get this forwarded SO AGREEEE :agree:
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