The 'Retain Members' Argument
First of all: Even though the emoji, I'm not mad at CubeCraft. I'm not mad at anyone. I'm just confused, as I am a lot of times. Nothing personal, nothing to criticise, just feedback. This might be controversial, but I'll take the bullet to at least having this said.
Second of all: This is not (certainly) a suggestion, but more a feedback form as said above (same category as suggestions, hehehe). I'd rather have people respond with the 'like' reaction on this thread, and I only hope this will be seen and taken into account in the future by staff members.
Everything I'll state will be explained in details! Questions can be stated down in the comments. Please be nice, because I love everybody and I want the best for the server as well! Love you all, take care!
Let's start off! The idea to make this thread came to me when I was re-reading the suggestion of @99th_DutchScary
Feedback on the Featured Games
Heyy, I would like to see some changes around the featured games. At this moment, I feel like the featured games don't really get attention. There have been bugs for a long time, without being fixed, and I want to suggest some QOL features to...
This suggestion, which is really well explained, contains all information about bugs and things that need to be fixed. With only one disagree after half a year of this thread being posted, I'm confident to say a lot of these suggestions should've been implemented. It is marked as denied anyhow.
It is marked as denied however, against all opinions. Explained by Marieke2001 why:
(...) Currently, our focus lies on updates that will retain our players or bring new people to our server. Unfortunately, we are afraid that your suggestion will not reward the server with enough of both, especially seen the other plans we have. (...)
The Featured Game cycle has been added a few years back. Ever after it was added, it was pretty popular, functioned really well and did what it was supposed to do. In the mean time, these featured games started showing cracks. More and more bugs occurred, making the games less fun, significantly harder or even unplayable. It's sad to see games like Battle Zone or Archer Assault dying, because they aren't worked on anymore.
The Featured Game cycle right now has very little players. And with very little I mean 20 on peak moments for popular games. Assassins has been removed with 50 players on peek moments every day (even though other problems, but you understand. People lose their fun in unplayable games, stop playing them and leave the server. This is where my issue lies:
CubeCraft wants to attract new players and retain the current ones (according to Marieke's message, shown up). Cool events obviously attract new players. That part is something I understand. However, the second part is where it gets confusing. The suggestion, which pointed out all the ways the featured game cycle is broken and already lost members over the years, would be THE perfect opportunity to retain players. Users stay on a server because they like a certain game. If the game however cannot be played, the users might go and we'll not see them again.
What I don't understand is that CubeCraft's priority (or maybe on the side, but that's a whole different story because we cannot look into CubeCraft's planning for the near future) is not on fixing bugs or making all games fully playable in every aspect. Obviously, I'd get the "don't fix what's broken" attitude, to save time for big things, but when something's broken, it's only gonna cost members rather than retaining them or attracting new ones. This will eventually turn out to be the end of the Featured Games, something I'd not want to see at all, and I hope neither do you.
So to come to a conclusion: My confusion comes from the priority CubeCraft puts on their updates. Of course I like dirt FFA maps, but I'd rather see broken games fixed, so that they are fun to play and retain current players. I love CubeCraft and the big events and projects they release, but I also love the current content, which I want to be kept up to date.
Thanks for reading all this. Leaving a normal like emoji would be the best to do here. If you disagree with me or want to add/correct something, feel free to open up in the comments. Again, I'm not mad, I love everyone, and I hope CubeCraft can do something with this feedback form.
Kind regards, Blom