Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Expert
Sep 12, 2018
MinerWare Town

😡 The 'Retain Members' Argument

First of all: Even though the emoji, I'm not mad at CubeCraft. I'm not mad at anyone. I'm just confused, as I am a lot of times. Nothing personal, nothing to criticise, just feedback. This might be controversial, but I'll take the bullet to at least having this said.
Second of all: This is not (certainly) a suggestion, but more a feedback form as said above (same category as suggestions, hehehe). I'd rather have people respond with the 'like' reaction on this thread, and I only hope this will be seen and taken into account in the future by staff members.

Everything I'll state will be explained in details! Questions can be stated down in the comments. Please be nice, because I love everybody and I want the best for the server as well! Love you all, take care!

Let's start off! The idea to make this thread came to me when I was re-reading the suggestion of @99th_DutchScary

This suggestion, which is really well explained, contains all information about bugs and things that need to be fixed. With only one disagree after half a year of this thread being posted, I'm confident to say a lot of these suggestions should've been implemented. It is marked as denied anyhow.
This suggestion contains multiple suggestions/bug reports of all featured games. These suggestions pointed out how broken some of these gamemodes were/still are. A few active suggestions right now are included in this thread.

It is marked as denied however, against all opinions. Explained by Marieke2001 why:
(...) Currently, our focus lies on updates that will retain our players or bring new people to our server. Unfortunately, we are afraid that your suggestion will not reward the server with enough of both, especially seen the other plans we have. (...)
Now, this message is one I quite understood the first time I read it, but as I read it back, I think it's quite weird. I'll explain why.

The Featured Game cycle has been added a few years back. Ever after it was added, it was pretty popular, functioned really well and did what it was supposed to do. In the mean time, these featured games started showing cracks. More and more bugs occurred, making the games less fun, significantly harder or even unplayable. It's sad to see games like Battle Zone or Archer Assault dying, because they aren't worked on anymore.

The Featured Game cycle right now has very little players. And with very little I mean 20 on peak moments for popular games. Assassins has been removed with 50 players on peek moments every day (even though other problems, but you understand. People lose their fun in unplayable games, stop playing them and leave the server. This is where my issue lies:

CubeCraft wants to attract new players and retain the current ones (according to Marieke's message, shown up). Cool events obviously attract new players. That part is something I understand. However, the second part is where it gets confusing. The suggestion, which pointed out all the ways the featured game cycle is broken and already lost members over the years, would be THE perfect opportunity to retain players. Users stay on a server because they like a certain game. If the game however cannot be played, the users might go and we'll not see them again.

What I don't understand is that CubeCraft's priority (or maybe on the side, but that's a whole different story because we cannot look into CubeCraft's planning for the near future) is not on fixing bugs or making all games fully playable in every aspect. Obviously, I'd get the "don't fix what's broken" attitude, to save time for big things, but when something's broken, it's only gonna cost members rather than retaining them or attracting new ones. This will eventually turn out to be the end of the Featured Games, something I'd not want to see at all, and I hope neither do you.

So to come to a conclusion: My confusion comes from the priority CubeCraft puts on their updates. Of course I like dirt FFA maps, but I'd rather see broken games fixed, so that they are fun to play and retain current players. I love CubeCraft and the big events and projects they release, but I also love the current content, which I want to be kept up to date.

Thanks for reading all this. Leaving a normal like emoji would be the best to do here. If you disagree with me or want to add/correct something, feel free to open up in the comments. Again, I'm not mad, I love everyone, and I hope CubeCraft can do something with this feedback form.

Kind regards, Blom


Forum Veteran
Jan 5, 2017
Maastricht, the Netherlands
I very definitely get where you are coming from, though I do disagree.

This suggestion contains multiple suggestions/bug reports of all featured games. These suggestions pointed out how broken some of these gamemodes were/still are. A few active suggestions right now are included in this thread.
Fair point! Some of the featured games are rather broken at the moment, and are unplayable because of it ~ can't deny that.

The Featured Game cycle has been added a few years back. Ever after it was added, it was pretty popular, functioned really well and did what it was supposed to do. In the mean time, these featured games started showing cracks. More and more bugs occurred, making the games less fun, significantly harder or even unplayable. It's sad to see games like Battle Zone or Archer Assault dying, because they aren't worked on anymore.
CubeCraft has grown a lot since "The Big Change" (which, iirc, introduced the featured games thing) with the addition/expansion on Bedrock, a lot of marketplace shizzle, a revamped Admin Team, team CubeCraft which doubled in size and whatnot ~ it went from on the verge of collapse to a server that blew up in a positive way which couldn't be foreseen by then.
With this increase of size, priorities change and updating/fixing those relatively small games on java (Which ~ considering the fact bedrock is about 20x Java meaning those featured games is played by less than 1% of the community ~ is literally nothing compared to other ongoing projects) kinda becomes..unimportant.

Don't get me wrong, I do agree that something has to be done about those featured games, whether it's fixing some and removing others or tbf, remove them all considering fixing all the bugs (which, by looking at the amount of them, I assume is over 1,5 months of work for a single dev) is simply not worth the trouble, the money nor the time for games that only are there once every few weeks, which only can be played by 5% of the community.

It is unfortunate that it got to the point where it's just not profitable to fix it, but there's no turning it back.

CubeCraft wants to attract new players and retain the current ones (according to Marieke's message, shown up). Cool events obviously attract new players. That part is something I understand. However, the second part is where it gets confusing. The suggestion, which pointed out all the ways the featured game cycle is broken and already lost members over the years, would be THE perfect opportunity to retain players. Users stay on a server because they like a certain game. If the game however cannot be played, the users might go and we'll not see them again.
"Users stay on a server because they like a certain game." Don't think they'll come back to play 1 specific game every 2 weeks, I really don't see how featured games are THE way to retain players ~ I think the way to do that is by differentiating yourself from others with unique (twists in) big gamemodes.
Of course I like dirt FFA maps, but I'd rather see broken games fixed, so that they are fun to play and retain current players.
I assume this is meant as a joke? xd

Tldr: not worth trouble, time nor the money, sucks but yah xddd

(sorry for broken english ~ ill reread this and edit stuff tmr i didnt sleep LMAO)


Forum Expert
Jun 15, 2020
Yes I think Featured games have gone beyond fixing as said above as it isn't worth it. But as you've pointed out, Cube are too much looking at ways to increase player count(which hasn't worked) than actually keeping their current player count which causes the current community to suffer. Hopefully no other games will go beyond repair like the featured games, I really think that the bug board should be revamped. Not the priorities themselves within the bug board but the priorities of bugs in general on the server, it needs to be worked on asap as games are really suffering due to bugs.

Take for example the Tower Defence update;

CubeCraft really failed the Tower Defence community in the last update. We were left with a game that was even more buggy after CubeCraft played around with it. The worst part of the last Tower Defence update was that Cubecraft never cleaned up after themselves, the game was left riddled with unfixed bugs and this shouldn't have happened.

CubeCraft should never leave a game in such a state again, while giving false hope like “the minute the dev is available it will be fixed”, stuff like this is nonsense and is just lies.

I understand CubeCraft have deadlines and need to move on at some point from game updates but they also need to clean up the messes they make, recently updates haven’t left as much bugs, which is good, it means CubeCraft is doing better, but if CubeCraft do update, for example, Tower Defence again this behaviour hopefully won’t be a problem.

Cube should prioritise Bugs more imo, so, as said above, games don't go beyond repair and are "not worth cubes time".


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
Only reacted with an Agree so it wouldn't boost your forums stats (cause thats what it seems like your doing, cause it is in suggestions)
functioned really well and did what it was supposed to do. In the mean time, these featured games started showing cracks
It's not just on the Java server either, this happens on bedrock too.

There is many bugs that still have not gotten fixed years, months or even fixed after the staff team SAID they were fixed. I reported Ghost Blocks about 3 or 4 times before they were ever fixed, even more times if you count ghost bridging. What took a entire bug team and Dev team over a year to fix bug fixes, it only took me about 5minutes to figure out the cause of them.
I even got told "You are the funniest guy in this entire server" on discord after I said how cubecraft is bad. The cube staff at the time replied in the same bunch of replies "US: Fixes ghost blocks"
Like you never fixed ghost blocks, I DID not you, it took me doing all the work to find the cause of a bug in the time it took you over a year.

Don't get me started on the reoccurring bugs either. Back when I started playing Eggwars on bedrock you would spawn where you died previously very rarely, guess what is back 3 years later? you guessed it the same bug.
What about the eating bug? Oh yea, that is back again I can eat food while running away still. How many times did they "fix" that? about 4 times in the past 3 years
What about

And then about them never even fixing bugs at all. I reported this bug where the menu would refuse to open from 5-30 seconds, I know the cause of it and even showed how to recreate the bug with a recreatablity rate of 100%. It's still 100% recreateable.

And now there is 2 new bugs on the server. Placing a block on a laggier player doesn't cause them to get pushed out or get stuck like the should, NO they get LAUNCHED into the air 3 blocks high like they are hacking.
The other one is a Terracotta visual bug.
I wonder what one is going to get prioritized higher than the other and get fixed faster

OH RIGHT the terracotta one because it's easier and "more game breaking" somehow

I think the Cubecraft team that handles bugs and all that are just useless in my honest opinion. They don't exist, and when they want to be they fix the most pointless things on the server.

You are literally getting paid to do this, why does it matter if you do the easier job? so you can sit and diddle daddle acting like you are working so you still get paid? Like bro, literally do the thing you are getting paid to do. Do the job you are getting paid at the same rate for the smaller bugs as the larger bugs, it makes no sense.

And for the love of god, if the game is broken. Why even send it out in rotation? Whats the point of the featured mode list if all the gamemodes are broken? or even unplayable it makes no sense.

Take a note from Galaxite, rather than the Hive. If you have to take the server down for an hour to fix the bugs.
Not all the servers, Galaxite typically shuts down EU first to patch bugs(redirects EU to NA) then after the hour they take down NA to fix the bugs that they previously fixed on EU, redirecting NA to the EU


Forum Expert
Jul 12, 2021
Only reacted with an Agree so it wouldn't boost your forums stats (cause thats what it seems like your doing, cause it is in suggestions)

I don't really think he's making this type of threads just to increase his reaction score.

Also, I'm afraid reacting with 'Agree' also count towards the reaction score so it's the same as reacting with 'Like'


Forum Expert
Sep 12, 2018
MinerWare Town
Only reacted with an Agree so it wouldn't boost your forums stats (cause thats what it seems like your doing, cause it is in suggestions)
Okay to immediately tackle this: the subforum is 'feedback and suggestions'. Where am I supposed to put this, since it is feedback? I don't want this forwarded, that's why I said I didn't want people to put agree signs under this thread, not to boost my forum stats. If I wanted to do so I wouldn't certainly start a controversial topic.

You are literally getting paid to do this, why does it matter if you do the easier job? so you can sit and diddle daddle acting like you are working so you still get paid? Like bro, literally do the thing you are getting paid to do. Do the job you are getting paid at the same rate for the smaller bugs as the larger bugs, it makes no sense.
I also want to take on a bit for the developers, because you are doing them wrong right now. They are working really hard to deliver the best gameplay, looking for broken things and trying to fix them, and mostly working on new content to deliver. What I thought when making this thread is that the argument for them not fixing it was a very weird one, definitely when you see that the big updates don't get the new member amounts they are looking for.

CubeCraft is losing their current community by such game-breaking bugs. Obviously, if they try to fix something and they say they did, but it returns, I cannot say more than 'thank you for trying, hopefully it is patched in a few weeks'. The big bugs in mostly the featured games cycle, but, as matriox pointed out, in Tower Defense as well aren't even attempted to be fixed because the focus lies on new members rather than the current community, and that's what I think is a bad thing.

What I hope to achieve with this thread is to put someone on these bugs for maybe only 15 minutes a week, so after a longer time, the amount of bugs is reduced significantly. Simply denying threads because the lack of interest to fix it over new content is something I'm really against in any way.


Forum Veteran
Jan 5, 2017
Maastricht, the Netherlands
There is many bugs that still have not gotten fixed years, months or even fixed after the staff team SAID they were fixed. I reported Ghost Blocks about 3 or 4 times before they were ever fixed, even more times if you count ghost bridging.
Back when I was stuff/bug team, we've already told you this - the cause of that bug is very complicated, and different developers have looked at it multiple times yet we haven't been able to fix it as, for now, the cause is simply very complicated. I'm sure the current team is still trying and pushing to fix it.

it took me doing all the work
You offered to do a part of the work* - No-one is forcing you, please stop if you don't wanna do it

Don't get me started on the reoccurring bugs either.
Fun fact: because the bug looks the same front-end, doesn't mean it's the same cause back end! Yeah, this happens, but normally it's a different cause than the one we fixed already.

And then about them never even fixing bugs at all. I reported this bug where the menu would refuse to open from 5-30 seconds, I know the cause of it and even showed how to recreate the bug with a recreatablity rate of 100%. It's still 100% recreateable.
I think I vaguely remember this one, but I might be wrong here and if so I apologize, but iirc that hasn't been fixed yet because of the amount of people it affects which is minimal.

And now there is 2 new bugs on the server.
Welcome to coding and plugins! Bugs happen.

I think the Cubecraft team that handles bugs and all that are just useless in my honest opinion. They don't exist, and when they want to be they fix the most pointless things on the server.

You are literally getting paid to do this, why does it matter if you do the easier job? so you can sit and diddle daddle acting like you are working so you still get paid? Like bro, literally do the thing you are getting paid to do. Do the job you are getting paid at the same rate for the smaller bugs as the larger bugs, it makes no sense.
Not even gonna reply to this bunch of nonsense sorry

And for the love of god, if the game is broken. Why even send it out in rotation? Whats the point of the featured mode list if all the gamemodes are broken? or even unplayable it makes no sense.
Thank you! Finally! You're reacting to the feedback thread instead of doing your little rant thing you do everywhere everytime.

Take a note from Galaxite, rather than the Hive. If you have to take the server down for an hour to fix the bugs.
Not all the servers, Galaxite typically shuts down EU first to patch bugs(redirects EU to NA) then after the hour they take down NA to fix the bugs that they previously fixed on EU, redirecting NA to the EU
Well, what we usually do is push stuff and wait for the servers to restart (Unless it's very high priority, then we force-restart every server), which happens once every max. 4 hours ~ I feel like that's better than taking a portion of the server offline.

What I hope to achieve with this thread is to put someone on these bugs for maybe only 15 minutes a week
Yeah well 15 minutes isn't gonna do anything at all xdddddd bugs take wayyyyyy more time
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Reactions: Amazinq and Fesa


Forum Expert
Sep 12, 2018
MinerWare Town
I assume this is meant as a joke? xd
Ye this was meant as a joke, saw I didn't respond 😛

Yeah well 15 minutes isn't gonna do anything at all xdddddd bugs take wayyyyyy more time
This was also meant more metaphorically :P
What I meant was that it doesn't have to be done as the main thing the developers are working on, but as a side task with other work. Currently bugs are shoved aside because it doesn't generates as many members as a new update - which is not even that true from my perspective, but obviously cannot see the data behind - causing the fundamental community members to leave, hence the games are unplayable. I totally understand new gamemodes keep the server refreshed and attractive for new members and the current community, but bugs are at least as important to fix


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
I don't really think he's making this type of threads just to increase his reaction score.

Also, I'm afraid reacting with 'Agree' also count towards the reaction score so it's the same as reacting with 'Like'
It makes no sense why it should. cause it's a suggestion, why should someone disagreeing with your suggestion negatively impact your forums stats? same with agreeing on someone's suggestion boosting them.
Okay to immediately tackle this: the subforum is 'feedback and suggestions'. Where am I supposed to put this, since it is feedback? I don't want this forwarded, that's why I said I didn't want people to put agree signs under this thread, not to boost my forum stats. If I wanted to do so I wouldn't certainly start a controversial topic.
It would have worked in "the lobby" or just giving the admin a message saying why you disagreed with the replies.
Sure neither of these would really get response from others. but /shrug
But when I made my post about hit sounds it was basically a re-suggestion with proof against the admin saying "blah blah"
I also want to take on a bit for the developers, because you are doing them wrong right now. They are working really hard to deliver the best gameplay, looking for broken things and trying to fix them, and mostly working on new content to deliver. What I thought when making this thread is that the argument for them not fixing it was a very weird one, definitely when you see that the big updates don't get the new member amounts they are looking for.
The knockback was broken. The dev team promised they would make it "More consistent and predictable"
Which never happened, it's still just as inconsistent and unpredictable as it was before the update, and I would say it's more predictable before.
CubeCraft is losing their current community by such game-breaking bugs. Obviously, if they try to fix something and they say they did, but it returns, I cannot say more than 'thank you for trying, hopefully it is patched in a few weeks'. The big bugs in mostly the featured games cycle, but, as matriox pointed out, in Tower Defense as well aren't even attempted to be fixed because the focus lies on new members rather than the current community, and that's what I think is a bad thing.
Doesn't make sense how you add a new gamemode or add a new feature to the game how it breaks something ENTIERLY different.

Like for example, most recently. There was NO new Update to Minecraft in general. But cubecraft adding something with Eggwars Beta Games(It's just a UI change) it caused a bug in Eggwars(normal) where terracotta would just lose it's color for certain teams. And again it caused another bug where it would launch a player 2blocks high in the air if they phased into a block.
How does that make any sense? A UI menu is no way correlated to Blocks or a rendering issue.
Like I may not be a full on dev, but a UI is so much different than how a player moves around the world. They would be separate, not combined. Maybe I get the terracotta with the UI because they both render things but still, it makes no sense.
What I hope to achieve with this thread is to put someone on these bugs for maybe only 15 minutes a week, so after a longer time, the amount of bugs is reduced significantly. Simply denying threads because the lack of interest to fix it over new content is something I'm really against in any way.
That does not make sense at all. You can't just work on a bug for "15 minutes a week" There is no way to tell what you did in that time. I broke the damage on one of my plugins in Java and I spent a whole hour and a half trying to fix it. I DID, I put everything else what I was doing to the side to fix the issue that was right in front of me. I have other bugs in the plugins yes, but I am going to work on them. I am not only going to work on the easier ones.
Another example is my texturepack is broken on the plugin. But I am not bothered by that right now, because that is not a key feature IN A GAMEMODE, sure it's weird not seeing the correct textures at all yea. But atleast they still interreact in the world accordingly!
In other words you shouldn't be working on new things that cause MORE bugs when you already have a bug issue across all your networks.

Again, like Galaxite, They would be a much popular server if they never had Unit Collision when they launched, sucks(they removed it). They have some really good gamemodes that are unique and different. But the only thing is, they will ACTUALLY fix game breaking bugs and shut down the server temporarily to do so. Unlike cubecraft who just leave the server up. AND DO NOTHING, just because the majority of the players on your server don't understand what a bug is(and don't have a forums) because they are all young, doesn't change the fact it still affects them.
Galaxite has an in game bug reporting system as well

And your nearest competitor The Hive has a lot less bugs, regardless of them also being a Java server, they run the Bedrock server in Bedrock(I believe)
You(cubecraft) have more experience in Java compared to the Hive in Bedrock, but the amount of bugs on your serer is so much more compared to the Hive. there is no excuse for it

Back when I was stuff/bug team, we've already told you this - the cause of that bug is very complicated, and different developers have looked at it multiple times yet we haven't been able to fix it as, for now, the cause is simply very complicated. I'm sure the current team is still trying and pushing to fix it.
Ghost blocks are fixed, the only ones caused now are by ping and connectivity issues. That is something you can't fix.
After a whole year and some of me reporting the bugs whenever I found them in game nothing happened.
Then I get told by the Dev "It's too complicated to figure out, if you can figure out the cause of the bug we will fix it"
NOT EVEN 5minutes after the DEVELOPER said that, I found the issue of the bug and it was fixed not even a week later.
You offered to do a part of the work* - No-one is forcing you, please stop if you don't wanna do it
If I am the only one who can understand how the server is meant to work correctly, who else is going to do it?
That's the point being made, the team designated for fixing the bugs and issues (A GAME BREAKING ISSUE IN FACT) took them over a year to figure out the issue, and if it wasn't for me finding the cause of it the bug still wouldn't be fixed today and I am confident in saying that.
I think I vaguely remember this one, but I might be wrong here and if so I apologize, but iirc that hasn't been fixed yet because of the amount of people it affects which is minimal.
I made 2 reports on it.
Report 1)
But you are right it was marked as "closed"(in red) and said "This only happens to players with high ping"
Which still isn't true, if you open chat before you get eliminated in any mode you can't use any of the menu options for upwards of 30seconds.
Report 2)
Is where an Admin responded
On November 10th
"This issue has been resolved and will be pushed to the network in the near future!"
Never happened, still bugged
Thank you! Finally! You're reacting to the feedback thread instead of doing your little rant thing you do everywhere everytime.
No, the entire post is about the same or similar thing. Cubecraft breaking things and refusing to fix them.


Forum Expert
Sep 12, 2018
MinerWare Town
It makes no sense why it should. cause it's a suggestion, why should someone disagreeing with your suggestion negatively impact your forums stats? same with agreeing on someone's suggestion boosting them.
It would have worked in "the lobby" or just giving the admin a message saying why you disagreed with the replies.
Sure neither of these would really get response from others. but /shrug
Last things I want to say about this is that Feedback & Suggestions is indeed the correct place to post such threads, and that if I wanted to increase my reaction score I'd just post a picture of a cute cat. I'm making a post in which I put time, effort and my opinion with generally structured arguments, only to talk to other CubeCraft (staff) members about what they think, in order for me to get a better nuanced opinion. Big difference, but sure, you go react with an agree if you want to be so nit-picky.
The knockback was broken. The dev team promised they would make it "More consistent and predictable"
Which never happened, it's still just as inconsistent and unpredictable as it was before the update, and I would say it's more predictable before.
I'm not talking about when CubeCraft says they are fixing something, try to do it and the results show different. Obviously, sometimes there's an error which only can be found after the releasing of the bug fix, but that's why they continue to work on it. If you think they are not, then please go to a different thread, as that is not the purpose of this one.
Doesn't make sense how you add a new gamemode or add a new feature to the game how it breaks something ENTIERLY different.

Like for example, most recently. There was NO new Update to Minecraft in general. But cubecraft adding something with Eggwars Beta Games(It's just a UI change) it caused a bug in Eggwars(normal) where terracotta would just lose it's color for certain teams. And again it caused another bug where it would launch a player 2blocks high in the air if they phased into a block.
How does that make any sense? A UI menu is no way correlated to Blocks or a rendering issue.
Like I may not be a full on dev, but a UI is so much different than how a player moves around the world. They would be separate, not combined. Maybe I get the terracotta with the UI because they both render things but still, it makes no sense.
It does make sense, as the entire infrastructure of CubeCraft is aligned with each other. An error on one side can impact something else on the other side. However, I'm still not talking about the bug fixes which doesn't/didn't work.
You can't just work on a bug for "15 minutes a week" There is no way to tell what you did in that time.
I've responded to this already, guess you didn't read that, but that's alright. What I wanted to say was that bugs that are shoved aside right now because they aren't bringing members, should be worked on on the side of big projects, so they don't pile up until they become unfixable.
I broke the damage on one of my plugins in Java and I spent a whole hour and a half trying to fix it. I DID, I put everything else what I was doing to the side to fix the issue that was right in front of me. I have other bugs in the plugins yes, but I am going to work on them. I am not only going to work on the easier ones.
Another example is my texturepack is broken on the plugin. But I am not bothered by that right now, because that is not a key feature IN A GAMEMODE, sure it's weird not seeing the correct textures at all yea. But atleast they still interreact in the world accordingly!
*pats on shoulder* very well done! Glad you can fix some of your personal bugs! However, we don't know the behind the scenes of CubeCraft. Their infrastructure is super big and everything, so I couldn't tell. However, as said above twice, we're talking about the fact they are not even attempting some as they are unimportant, not about whether or how they fix things.
In other words you shouldn't be working on new things that cause MORE bugs when you already have a bug issue across all your networks.
That's just something I fully disagree with. As Keanu said really well: bugs happen. You will never get things perfect, and to just stop with developing because it isn't perfect yet is something I'm really against. I do thing the current bugs have to be fixed, but I don't think the general server development should stop in order to do so.
Again, like Galaxite, They would be a much popular server if they never had Unit Collision when they launched, sucks(they removed it). They have some really good gamemodes that are unique and different. But the only thing is, they will ACTUALLY fix game breaking bugs and shut down the server temporarily to do so. Unlike cubecraft who just leave the server up. AND DO NOTHING, just because the majority of the players on your server don't understand what a bug is(and don't have a forums) because they are all young, doesn't change the fact it still affects them.
Galaxite has an in game bug reporting system as well
Wow! Good for Galaxite. This is CubeCraft. If you like Galaxite as much as you advertise it here, please go play that gamemode. CubeCraft doesn't close their network for 4 hours to fix the games, they fix it while everyone still can enjoy their games. Obviously, servers handle stuff differently. You can like one over the other, but it doesn't mean one is wrong and the other isn't. Again, not the subject of the thread, so im moving on.
And your nearest competitor The Hive has a lot less bugs, regardless of them also being a Java server, they run the Bedrock server in Bedrock(I believe)
You(cubecraft) have more experience in Java compared to the Hive in Bedrock, but the amount of bugs on your serer is so much more compared to the Hive. there is no excuse for it
I'm not comparing servers, neither do I want to. Sadly you're forcing me to give an answer because its simply not right, so here we go. The Hive only has a Bedrock server. They don't have to focus on two platforms. It's simply logical there are less bugs, but even ignoring that fact: yes, I cannot deny CubeCraft has more bugs than the Hive. The whole point of the thread is that I think more bugs should be handled rather than saying they don't retain much members. CubeCraft (not 'we', as it is not a you guys and we guys discussion, since I don't like or want to compare) has different systems, so it doesn't even matter.
Ghost blocks are fixed, the only ones caused now are by ping and connectivity issues. That is something you can't fix.
After a whole year and some of me reporting the bugs whenever I found them in game nothing happened.
Then I get told by the Dev "It's too complicated to figure out, if you can figure out the cause of the bug we will fix it"
NOT EVEN 5minutes after the DEVELOPER said that, I found the issue of the bug and it was fixed not even a week later.
If I am the only one who can understand how the server is meant to work correctly, who else is going to do it?
That's the point being made, the team designated for fixing the bugs and issues (A GAME BREAKING ISSUE IN FACT) took them over a year to figure out the issue, and if it wasn't for me finding the cause of it the bug still wouldn't be fixed today and I am confident in saying that.
I'm really happy you are helping the team to fix bugs they cannot figure out. That really deserves another pat on the shoulder! However, I'm not talking about bugs they are looking into to fix or they are working on to fix. i'm talking about the bugs they don't even look into. Also, you are still not forced to do so. You are talking very passionate about other servers, and if you don't want to do it, you have other servers to play on. Don't force yourself to do stuff you don't want to, as it makes life only harder.

Last thing I want to point out again is that I don't want to talk about bugs that are being fixed (or told to be fixed soon), as they are not part of the problem I describe in the thread. Please, make a new thread to do so if you wish. Thanks in advance <3


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
only to talk to other CubeCraft (staff) members about what they think,
There is a support area in the forums for a staff-only response.
I'm not talking about when CubeCraft says they are fixing something,
i gave other examples that did not include this. And cubecraft never even tried to fox the bug, only attempted to hide it.
Wow! Good for Galaxite. This is CubeCraft. If you like Galaxite as much as you advertise it here, please go play that gamemode. CubeCraft doesn't close their network for 4 hours to fix the games, they fix it while everyone still can enjoy their games.
there is 3 Regions on Cube. NA(Canada), EU(France) and Asia(Singapore).
If they work on an update mid day UTC they can easily close the Asian/Canadian servers down temporarily to fix gamebreaking bugs if needed. Without negativity impacting players, they can get redirected to NA/EU//AS/EU servers. Remember it would be very early in the morning or very late at night for those regions.
The Hive only has a Bedrock server.
They had a Java server, and dropped support for it because Bedrock had better player counts and other things.

They don't have to focus on two platforms. It's simply logical there are less bugs,
Cubecraft Java and Cubecraft are both ran in, JAVA. Not a separate languages like Hive Java and Hive bedrock.
All the bugs in Java cube are in Bedrock Cube.

i'm talking about the bugs they don't even look into.
Exactly. They will say they are working on something but never actually do anything. That’s the point I am saying


Forum Expert
Sep 12, 2018
MinerWare Town
There is a support area in the forums for a staff-only response.
that's what I say, I don't want staff-only response...

Exactly. They will say they are working on something but never actually do anything. That’s the point I am saying
I'm not talking about this... I'm talking about bugs they say they are not going to work on because they don't retain members. You are talking about bugs they say they are going to fix and eventually end up not doing. Those are two entirely different cases. Please quit talking about bugs they are working on (or saying they are working on, whether that is true or not) in this thread.

It makes no sense to respond to all your messages. Its just a difference between how other servers handle things and how CubeCraft does. If you think something should be taken over, please make a new thread. Stick to the subject in this thread, which is the retaining member argument over not fixing (gamebreaking) bugs so that the community isn't retained. (that was a really quick summary, but you get that)


Forum Veteran
Jan 5, 2017
Maastricht, the Netherlands
Ghost blocks are fixed, the only ones caused now are by ping and connectivity issues. That is something you can't fix.
After a whole year and some of me reporting the bugs whenever I found them in game nothing happened.
Then I get told by the Dev "It's too complicated to figure out, if you can figure out the cause of the bug we will fix it"
NOT EVEN 5minutes after the DEVELOPER said that, I found the issue of the bug and it was fixed not even a week later.
oki so why is this relevant and are you using it as an argument lol

On November 10th
"This issue has been resolved and will be pushed to the network in the near future!"
Never happened, still bugged
Fun fact: because the bug looks the same front-end, doesn't mean it's the same cause back end! Yeah, this happens, but normally it's a different cause than the one we fixed already.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2016
The Netherlands
I don't understand why they removed Among slimes but keeped the featured games that don't even work properly. Maybe Among slimes wasn't the most popular game on the Cubecraft network anymore, but it was defenitely still being played by quiet decent amount of people. AND the game wasn't full of bugs...

So I don't understand why a game that's being played by more people get removed, but a featured game that you can't really play anymore stays (BATTLE ZONE!!!)


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
only to talk to other CubeCraft (staff) members about what they think, in order for me to get a better nuanced opinion.
that's what I say, I don't want staff-only response...
oki so why is this relevant and are you using it as an argument lol
You said that I did a small part of it.

Also to your second part. The thing is the bug was never fixed not for single day even.

If they were looking at the bug and it ended up being the same thing front end. They would have seen it! Because it was never fixed to begin with. It’s not a reoccuring bug. It was just never fixed! Just marked as fixed when it never actually was.

If it was fixed for even a single day, it would make sense that it may have been another issue somewhere else. But it was never fixed at all. How would they have even “fixed” it? How did they even test it? If you tested it after you “fixed” it they would have had the same results as before. Because after they pushed the “fix” nothing was ever fixed it patched.
That argument makes no sense, this isn’t a reoccurring bug but the same bug that was just never fixed.

I'm not talking about this... I'm talking about bugs they say they are not going to work on because they don't retain members. You are talking about bugs they say they are going to fix and eventually end up not doing
The thing is, in the OP before this the admin says “we will fix them eventually, but it’s not our top priority” or whatever they said. Not that they would never be fixed.

It’s the same thing that is happening. If they mark a report as “closed(fixed)” and never fix it, it’s the same thing.
Just because a bug doesn’t affect as much people as they think doesn’t mean it shouldn’t ever be fixed. All bugs should be fixed.
And how does a visual bug that affects the color of terracotta affect more people negatively than a bug that prevents people from accessing menus when the menus are the way you get better gear in the game
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