Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
This changelog was made on 4/28/2022

3 Days later, I was playing Eggwars on May 1st 2022 at approximately 12:02 AM.

Additionally 4days ago(on the date of this post) at approximately 1:08PM this bug still occurs.

"Isn't this a bug report though"
No I am asking cubecraft to actually go through with their word, On 4/28 Cubecraft DID NOT FIX THIS ISSUE, I do admit the amount of times this happens IS a lot less common than it was before 4/28, but in Changelogs on the discord it was said "Fixed void deaths not properly calculating credit. (Java & Bedrock)"

The main words being "Fixed not properly calculating credit on bedrock" "Fixing" means it no longer happens, reducing would be reducing how much it happens.

Bedrock KB update.

As you see the post says the old KB was "Unpredictable" "Inconsistent" and "Not enjoyable"

Resulting me in making this suggestion about the inconsistencies in the Knockback system here.
This post goes in and shows how the knockback is still not consistent, sure it is MORE consistent than before but the post still doesn't talk about it. They made the post making it seem like they fixed it entirely, when in fact they never did. Reducing the amount of times a bug occurs is a good thing, but lying to your players about "fixing" it is. I want cubecraft to do well, not eventually derail itself after not making long time fixes to things.

Shop Bug Fix

Yea, when he posted that it was never fixed, not even a little bit and people are like "WeLl MaYbe It WaS fIxEd NoW iTs JuSt AnOtHeR bUg bUt SaMe ReSuLtS" this argument is so bewilderingly stupid, if it's "the same issue, but different bug in code". How did they not spot it? It's not like the bug was fixed for a day, it just was never fixed at all, meaning even if it was a different issue in the code(it is the same steps to see the issue) how did they not realize it was still bugged?
I just don't even believe the cube staff test their fixes. That or they only said this to get me to shutup about the bug because they are too lazy to fix it.

But yea there is probably more, this is just what happened to me. Get this JUST TO ME, I doubt I am the only one being mistreated/misinformed by the cubecraft team.a

Cubecraft staff lied many times about fixing a bug/issue and never fixed it. I want them to stop lying by actually fixing the bugs or saying that the "reduced the occurrences of (X)"


Forum Expert
Apr 21, 2020
This is an interesting thread. Look I get the frustration, no one enjoys bugs, especially not companies trying to make money off their software. However, this thread shows that you are likely ill-informed about how bugs work, or what they are. When you are coding, issues will arise, it's an inevitable part of the development process. These errors are caused by developer error, whether that is one person, or perhaps an entire team of developers. When issues arise, you look through an error message, or perhaps just even your code as bugs can happen without it being an actual error. Think of it like language which are very similar to coding in nature. You can have sentences that are completely grammatically correct but make no sense! Now that we know what a bug is, let's look at some of the cases you mentioned. When developers are on tight schedules to create bug fixes (which is likely a consequence of complaints about bugs not being fixed quickly), they don't have the time to have multiple people testing the bug in as many ways as people do on the actual server. The developer fixes the bug at least as far as they can test and then informs everyone because the fix appears to work. The issue that arises, is that thousands of players testing a bug will likely catch a situation that the developer missed. Then, this issue has to be reported and go through our bug system again until a developer can spend time to make the fix truly work. But then another person finds an issue and the cycle can seem limitless. I promise you that the developers and the moderators aren't lying to you. Sometimes issues can seem fixed but truly aren't or other issues arise that on the surface seem to be the same bug.

TDLR: Bugs are complicated, no one is lying to you as they have likely fixed the bug to their knowledge.
Keep in mind I am not a developer at CubeCraft and I do not represent them. This is just my experience as a developer and I noticed some misconceptions you have. Thanks and have a nice day!


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
this thread shows that you are likely ill-informed about how bugs work
I'm not, I am currently making my own Java server 1.18.2 and have fixed the majority of the issues myself.
When you are coding, issues will arise, it's an inevitable part of the development process.
I never denied that.
The point of this post is talking about the cubecraft team doesn't look into their bug fixes.

With my first example about the no death credit, the bug was never fixed like you guys said it was in Changelog. It was reduced(if that). but it was never fixed. You guys never took enough time looking into the bug to see that it clearly was never fixed.

With my second example with the KB, you guys just never even worked on it being more consistent.
And yes, I recreated cubecrafts KB on my server and I got the same affect as cubecraft, I changed the Vertical and horizontal values of my KB system to reduce KB Sliding. You guys said it made it "consistent" rather than "more consistent" and using snowballs and eggs like I did on my post asking for the KB to be fixed(for real) proves my theory on the KB system never being reworked rather than changing a few numbers slightly.

And my third example, it was never fixed, not for a day, not for an hour, not for a minute, not even for a second. It was never fixed at all. If that happened in the process the fix the issue it would have been spotted and fixed.
, they don't have the time to have multiple people testing the bug in as many ways as people do on the actual server.
Hire me then, hire me to test bug fixes. I don't even need to be paid.
multiple people testing the bug in as many ways as people do on the actual server.
All three of the issues I provided above don't take that long to spot tbh. I knew the death credit wasn't working day 1 of the so called "fix" sure technically overall all the players together on cube experience more than the devs do, but the Percentage should still be the same. If 10% of cube players witness it happening, around 10% of the results should happen on server. And if it's an issue with ping you guys have 3 servers you can upload and test a bug on, which in reality you only really need to test 2 of the servers (EU for low ping, and either NA or AS for high)

For example: on my server I have both the live server and a Local host on my PC, I first test the issues I have and the fixes on my local host and then I push them to the live server to further test them again(Cause East coast US compared to my West). There is some instances that I don't even test on local host at all for quick fixes that can be easily reverted or traceable.
bug system again until a developer can spend time to make the fix truly work. But then another person finds an issue and the cycle can seem limitless
The 2/3 of the examples I gave aren't restricted by time. Only one that could possible be is the death credit. The shop menu was very simple recreation steps and still is. While the KB, just wasn't fixed at all, you guys changed 2 values in the plugin.
. I promise you that the developers and the moderators aren't lying to you. Sometimes issues can seem fixed but truly aren't or other issues arise that on the surface seem to be the same bug.
Again, see my third point. It was just never fixed, not for a day, not for an hour, not for a minute, not for a second.
TDLR: Bugs are complicated, no one is lying to you as they have likely fixed the bug to their knowledge.
Keep in mind I am not a developer at CubeCraft and I do not represent them. This is just my experience as a developer and I noticed some misconceptions you have. Thanks and have a nice day!
I am working on my own java server and I know how bugs work, some of the bugs on cubecraft I experience myself and still am (like the KB) but as a smaller team that is less knowledgeable than cubecraft. It's not impossible cubecraft just doesn't look at the bug after they fix them

Example, I am still working on a fix for downwards KB, but I think I would have to edit a form of spigot/paper and not run a plugin.
Example v2, I fixed damage, regen and damaging players in between the visual indicator.(you were able to hit someone at like 50cps but the KB delay and everything was still the half second)
Example 3, Custom items with a custom pack that also work with no pack this took me a while to figure out how to do and sometimes even changing one value would cause the entire server to crash on restart. I still fixed it.
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