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3 Days later, I was playing Eggwars on May 1st 2022 at approximately 12:02 AM.
Additionally 4days ago(on the date of this post) at approximately 1:08PM this bug still occurs.
"Isn't this a bug report though"
No I am asking cubecraft to actually go through with their word, On 4/28 Cubecraft DID NOT FIX THIS ISSUE, I do admit the amount of times this happens IS a lot less common than it was before 4/28, but in Changelogs on the discord it was said "Fixed void deaths not properly calculating credit. (Java & Bedrock)"
The main words being "Fixed not properly calculating credit on bedrock" "Fixing" means it no longer happens, reducing would be reducing how much it happens.
Bedrock KB update.
As you see the post says the old KB was "Unpredictable" "Inconsistent" and "Not enjoyable"
Resulting me in making this suggestion about the inconsistencies in the Knockback system here.
This post goes in and shows how the knockback is still not consistent, sure it is MORE consistent than before but the post still doesn't talk about it. They made the post making it seem like they fixed it entirely, when in fact they never did. Reducing the amount of times a bug occurs is a good thing, but lying to your players about "fixing" it is. I want cubecraft to do well, not eventually derail itself after not making long time fixes to things.
Shop Bug Fix
Yea, when he posted that it was never fixed, not even a little bit and people are like "WeLl MaYbe It WaS fIxEd NoW iTs JuSt AnOtHeR bUg bUt SaMe ReSuLtS" this argument is so bewilderingly stupid, if it's "the same issue, but different bug in code". How did they not spot it? It's not like the bug was fixed for a day, it just was never fixed at all, meaning even if it was a different issue in the code(it is the same steps to see the issue) how did they not realize it was still bugged?
I just don't even believe the cube staff test their fixes. That or they only said this to get me to shutup about the bug because they are too lazy to fix it.
But yea there is probably more, this is just what happened to me. Get this JUST TO ME, I doubt I am the only one being mistreated/misinformed by the cubecraft team.a
Cubecraft staff lied many times about fixing a bug/issue and never fixed it. I want them to stop lying by actually fixing the bugs or saying that the "reduced the occurrences of (X)"