Hey CubeCrafters,
As you may have seen on our public notion board, we've started development on the new Battle Arena update and we would like your input, specifically kit-related.
All participants are welcome to create their very own Duels Kit that has the opportunity to be playable for all on both networks!

Simply, create your own kit in a single-player world or within Custom Kit Creations on Java. Keep in mind there are a few things to consider when creating a kit such as armour, weapons, enchants, additional items, and potion effects!
When submitting your newly created Duel Kit to this thread, please include:
• The name of your kit!
• All items and specific enchants that are in it!
• A screenshot of the inventory, to provide a layout!

You can only submit a maximum of 2 Duel Kits, so be creative and choose your submissions carefully!
If you wish to share your input on the kits presented throughout the thread, react with the "

All items must be on the versions 1.12.2.
The deadline for submission of all Duel Kits is Tuesday, 14th June!
We wish you the best and enjoy!