Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Apr 24, 2022
OP Tactician (Regular variant can be implemented)


-Full Diamond Armour [Protection 3, Unbreaking 2]
-Diamond Sword [Sharpness 2, Unbreaking 2]
-Iron Pickaxe [Efficiency 3]
-Bow [Power 2, Punch 1]
-16 Arrows [In offhand]
-32 Stone
-16 Cobwebs
-Water Bucket
-8 Cooked Beef
-3 Golden Apples
-4 Pearls [A pearl cool-down would be ideal for punishing gameplay]

A few mechanical tips we found while testing:

Cobwebs can be broken with water. However, placing the water adjacent to the cobweb will break it faster – instead of water logging it instead.

Arrows should be placed in the offhand to indicate when you’re out of arrows.

If you manage to force your opponent into a two-block-high cobweb, water cannot be used to escape. Instead, they are most likely to use a pearl.

Discord - ohlookitsbobo#3466

[Top Player in Oceania on PC]

Here’s a short trailer my friend and I made to showcase the concept –



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May 16, 2021
Kit name: Gunfight
Mode: Overpowered
+ 9 stacks of arrows
+ Regular power 2 bow
+ Explosive bow that's identical in function to the one in skywars chaos
+ Frozen shot bow from the lucky islands gamemode (Identical to the one in overpowered mode lucky islands)
+ Automatic bow from the lucky islands gamemode (Identical to the one in overpowered mode lucky islands)
+ Shotgun bow from the lucky islands gamemode (Identical to the one in overpowered mode lucky islands)
+ And a new thing called a semi-automatic bow (Fires 3 arrows in a burst, dealing a total of 7 damage unarmored. Appears with power 2 and unbreaking 1 which increases the total damage to 12. Has the same cooldown as a normal bow)
+ 8 golden apples
+ Both players have health boost 90
Minecraft 1.12.2 6_1_2022 10_33_34 PM.png

Kit name: Lucky Islands
Mode: Normal
+ Fire sword (Identical to the one in Normal mode lucky islands)
+ Diamond Pickaxe
+ 1 stack of carrots
+ Slime wand (Identical to the one in Normal mode lucky islands)
+ Explosive bow (Identical to the one in Normal mode lucky islands)
+ 24 fireballs (Identical to the one in Normal mode lucky islands)
+ 4 golden apples
+ tnt wand (Identical to the one in Normal mode lucky islands)
+ 1 stack of sandstone
+ 10 arrows
+ Diamond helmet
+ Gold chestplate
+ Leather pants
+ Iron boots
Minecraft 1.12.2 6_1_2022 10_57_18 PM.png


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2021
Bamboo forest

Kit Name - Survival
Kit content:
- Golden Helmet (prot III in OP)
- Chainmail Chestplate prot I (prot IV in OP)
- Leather Leggings (prot III in OP)
- Iron Boots (prot III in OP)

- Stone Sword (Sharpness 2 in OP)
- Water bucket
- 2x Enderpearl

- 9x Bread
- 4x Porkchop
- (2x golden apple in OP)


Novice Member
Sep 28, 2019
Kit name: Crystals
-Full iron armor (protection 3)
-iron sword (Sharpness 2 Knockback 2)
-Bow: power 5
-Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency 5)
-128 obsidian
-128 end crystals
-4 Totems of undying
-20 golden carrots
-10 golden apples
-4 ender pearls
-16 arrows


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2021
My Guinea pigs' cage EU#12
Hello! My name is Reesle and I’d like to submit a kit!

Kit name : GHAST

Contains :

  • 1 netherite helmet : thorns 2
  • 1 diamond chestplate : unbreaking 1, blast protection 1
  • 1 iron leggings : unbreaking 3, fire protection 2
  • 1 diamond boots : unbreaking 1
  • 5 fire charges
  • 3 tnt
  • 1 stone sword : sharpness 4, fire aspect 1, unbreaking 2
  • 1 bow : punch 1, power 2
  • 64 arrows
  • 1 splash potion of leaping that lasts 2:15
  • 1 damage 1 splash potion
  • 1 strength potion that lasts 8 minutes
View attachment 211321
Hi! Just saying this is not possible because nerherite came out in 1.16 and the server runs on 1.12


Mar 22, 2021
armor:protection 4 unbreaking 3
sword:sharpness 5 unbreaking 3
8 golden apples (not enchanted)
edit:all of the gear is diamond (this is an op kit)


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May 15, 2021

Kit name: Cavalier
It would be cool to see horse combat in Cubecraft! This kit gives you a horse with Diamond armor because it is not supposed to be killed, overall the kit has
-Stone sword
-Power 1 bow
-16 arrows
-64 Steak
-Chain helmet
-Iron chestplate
-Chain leggings
-Leather boots
Jun 8, 2022
⚔️ Duels Kit Competition ⚔️

Hey CubeCrafters,

As you may have seen on our public notion board, we've started development on the new Battle Arena update and we would like your input, specifically kit-related.

All participants are welcome to create their very own Duels Kit that has the opportunity to be playable for all on both networks!

✏️ How to Participate

Simply, create your own kit in a single-player world or within Custom Kit Creations on Java. Keep in mind there are a few things to consider when creating a kit such as armour, weapons, enchants, additional items, and potion effects!

When submitting your newly created Duel Kit to this thread, please include:
• The name of your kit!
• All items and specific enchants that are in it!
• A screenshot of the inventory, to provide a layout!

📚 Additional Information

You can only submit a maximum of 2 Duel Kits, so be creative and choose your submissions carefully!
If you wish to share your input on the kits presented throughout the thread, react with the "😍 Love" emoji to let us know you would enjoy seeing this on the network.
All items must be on the versions 1.12.2.

View attachment 211256

The deadline for submission of all Duel Kits is Tuesday, 14th June!
We wish you the best and enjoy! 😄

⚔️ Duels Kit Competition ⚔️

Hey CubeCrafters,

As you may have seen on our public notion board, we've started development on the new Battle Arena update and we would like your input, specifically kit-related.

All participants are welcome to create their very own Duels Kit that has the opportunity to be playable for all on both networks!

✏️ How to Participate

Simply, create your own kit in a single-player world or within Custom Kit Creations on Java. Keep in mind there are a few things to consider when creating a kit such as armour, weapons, enchants, additional items, and potion effects!

When submitting your newly created Duel Kit to this thread, please include:
• The name of your kit!
• All items and specific enchants that are in it!
• A screenshot of the inventory, to provide a layout!

📚 Additional Information

You can only submit a maximum of 2 Duel Kits, so be creative and choose your submissions carefully!
If you wish to share your input on the kits presented throughout the thread, react with the "😍 Love" emoji to let us know you would enjoy seeing this on the network.
All items must be on the versions 1.12.2.

View attachment 211256

The deadline for submission of all Duel Kits is Tuesday, 14th June!
We wish you the best and enjoy!​

⚔️ Duels Kit Competition ⚔️

Hey CubeCrafters,

As you may have seen on our public notion board, we've started development on the new Battle Arena update and we would like your input, specifically kit-related.

All participants are welcome to create their very own Duels Kit that has the opportunity to be playable for all on both networks!

✏️ How to Participate

Simply, create your own kit in a single-player world or within Custom Kit Creations on Java. Keep in mind there are a few things to consider when creating a kit such as armour, weapons, enchants, additional items, and potion effects!

When submitting your newly created Duel Kit to this thread, please include:
• The name of your kit!
• All items and specific enchants that are in it!
• A screenshot of the inventory, to provide a layout!

📚 Additional Information

You can only submit a maximum of 2 Duel Kits, so be creative and choose your submissions carefully!
If you wish to share your input on the kits presented throughout the thread, react with the "😍 Love" emoji to let us know you would enjoy seeing this on the network.
All items must be on the versions 1.12.2.

View attachment 211256

The deadline for submission of all Duel Kits is Tuesday, 14th June!
We wish you the best and enjoy! 😄
1 stone sword
10 ender pearls
purple dyed leather armour
64 cooked steak
1 bow
20 arrows of slowness
1 fishing rod
good luck everyone!


  • 2022-06-08.png
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Feb 9, 2021
Kit Name: Knight
(May be up for change)
Knight PVP Kit.png

Kit Contents:
Diamond Helmet
Iron Chestplate
Chainmail Leggings
Chainmail Boots
Totem of Undying
Stone Sword
5 Golden Apples
Flint and Steel Durability: 10
8 Cobwebs
Water Bucket
16 Cooked Beef/Steak
16 Arrows

(No Enchantments)


Apr 23, 2022
View attachment 211293this kit is called boxing many severs in java have this like minemen and hhypixel.
Now this dosent seem very good but the twist is you die from 100 hits and no more no less without regeneration.
Even with or without armour youll still take 100 hits.

If you want some examples in action theres alot of content on YouTube about it
i agreed


Apr 25, 2022
Hello cubecraft
I saw that the costum duel kids are gone sadly, and now there is Just no kid where u can train or tryhard ur eggwars skills so i thougt maybe is a eggwars kid a good idea

Name: eggwars
Dia sword sharp 2
2 sets of iron prot 4 (or 1 bc of time)
Power 3 bow
Some blocks
64 golden appels
And 64 golden carrots

I hope u see this message😁
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betty's oldies

Forum Expert
Two kits.

Kit 1: Cowboys and Indians
  • Mode: Normal
  • Contents:
    • 1x Wooden sword
    • 1x Bow
    • 1x Arrow of swiftness (Speed 1, +20% speed for 1 minute)
    • 2x Arrow of regeneration (Regen 1, 11 seconds)
    • 10x Arrow
    • 1x Cobweb
    • Full leather armor
  • Mechanics
    • Player can injure himself using the bow (this allows the player to use the potion arrows on himself).
    • Hunger is disabled.
    • Cobwebs can be broken by using the sword.
    • Arrows disappear if they hit terrain; they cannot be collected.



Kit 2: Trouble in Mineville
  • Mode: Normal
  • Contents:
    • 1x Wooden sword
    • 1x Bow
    • 5x Arrow
    • 1x Splash healing 1 potion
    • 2x Creeper spawn eggs
  • Mechanics
    • Player can place (or preferably shoot) creeper spawn eggs to spawn creepers.
      • Preferably, if possible, 1 creeper spawn egg is consumed along with an arrow when the bow is fired. When that arrow hits something (either a player or terrain), a creeper spawns where the arrow landed.
        • However, if there are no creeper spawn eggs in the player's inventory when the bow is fired, a creeper will not spawn when the arrow lands.
      • Creepers attack all players; they're not affiliated with anyone.
    • Hunger is disabled.
    • Arrows disappear if they hit terrain; they cannot be collected.


EDIT: Added specific modes.
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Jul 17, 2019
Kit: Sun
Kit Contents:
-- Full Set of gold armor with each piece containing Unbreaking 3 & Fire Protection 1
-- Gold Sword with Fire Aspect 2 & Unbreaking 3
-- Gold Axe with Fire Aspect 2 & Unbreaking 2
-- 32 oak wood planks
-- 2 lava buckets
-- 64 fire charges
-- 1 blaze spawn egg
-- 64 melon slices
-- 1 golden apple (non-enchanted)

Note: The fire charges should set fire to the ground upon a right click (as they do in survival Minecraft). However, in many CubeCraft games, fire charges are only useable via a dispenser. If this is the case for duels PVP then 1 flint and steel would replace the 64 fire charges (I just thought fire charges matched the theme a little more but it makes no real difference).


  • Sun Kit.PNG
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Jul 17, 2019
Kit: Dark Archer
Kit Contents:
-- Chain Helmet (Projectile Protection 2 & Unbreaking 2)
-- Leather Tunic (Projectile Protection 1 & Unbreaking 1)
-- Leather Pants (Projectile Protection 1 & Unbreaking 1)
-- Leather Boots (Projectile Protection 1 & Unbreaking 1)
-- Bow (Infinity & Power 2 & Punch 1)
-- 1 splash potion of invisibility (3:00)
-- 15 skeleton spawn eggs
-- 10 stray spawn eggs
-- 3 wither skeleton spawn eggs
-- 15 arrows of weakness (0:11)
-- 15 arrows of poison 2 (0:02)
-- 15 arrows of slowness (0:11)
-- 64 cooked chicken
-- 1 arrow (for the infinite enchantment on the bow)


  • Dark Archer.PNG
    Dark Archer.PNG
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notekproo wrote on cldash's profile.
Hi clomer! It's notekpro or NTKPR! Just made an account on cubecraft
Also applied for helper... kinda scared idk why
Just created this thing.. And made a helper app.. What now?
Mintypie231 wrote on Fjackp14_'s profile.
Ur a forum expert now :O (in exactly 3 months)
Keanu wrote on SpringWarz's profile.
lorilambthecoolgamer wrote on Fjackp14_'s profile.
Good job at 500 messages!
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