I recently started playing lucky islands, and there is one of all the wands that I see is basically useless, that wand would be the potion wand. Basically it is not worth it to use it since you do not know if it will have a good or bad potion effect when thrown at it. For example if you throw a potion at an enemy it can be a regeneration or slow potion.Keeping that in mind, it is a wand that I barely use since, as I said before, it is useless. But simply by making a small change, like the wand having two modes, one of them would be the
attack mode
, which would have the following potion effects: Slowness ,Mining,Fatigue,Nausea,Blindness,Weakness,Poison and Wither.And the other mode would be
defense mode
which would have the following potion effects: Speed, Haste, Strength, Instant Health, Regeneration, Resistance and Fire Resistance.
And simply by left clicking with the wand the mode would be changed, I think that with this small change it would make this wand more usefull.
For the people who vote
I would like you to give the reasons why you think this should not be implemented on the server or what changes you would make.
For people who vote
thank you very much for supporting the idea, with 25
the idea will be forwaded

And simply by left clicking with the wand the mode would be changed, I think that with this small change it would make this wand more usefull.
For the people who vote
For people who vote
the idea will be forwaded