Hello CubeCrafters!
We're ready to finally present our newest experimental update, EggWars Season 1. Read about it below!
Introducing our new system for EggWars, Seasons. Every 3 months we'll release a new season showcasing new features, each season will host it's own set of new features & changes which are automatically slated for removal unless the community votes otherwise. This will allow us to trial some new and wacky ideas in EggWars!
In 1.5 months expect a thread where you can all vote and give feedback on the individual features of the update.
Each season will also have it's very own leaderboard which will only show stats obtained during the seasonal period. This will be permanently etched into the leaderboard section even after the season finishes- so whoever holds the top spot of season 1 after it finishes will keep it!
Egg Curses
Our very first feature of Season 1. You can buy curses for your egg which will enact effects on the enemy who gets in their vicinity, giving you an opportunity to protect your egg. Choose your curse wisely based on your island defence setup!
Choose from the following curses: glowing (JE only), slowness, blindness, mining fatigue.
Redstone Shop Category
One of the topics we had lots and lots of community discussion on was whether redstone fit into EggWars. A perfect feature to trial in the new seasonal system! What will you do with it?
The redstone category includes the following items: repeater, pistons, oak pressure pad, string, slime blocks, redstone, redstone block, dispenser, observer, tripwire hook, lever.
Generator Downgrader
Introducing generator sludge, a new item in the miscellaneous section, this allows you to lower the level of any generator by one. However a generator cannot be downgraded below its starting level and can only be done every 20 seconds. A strategic team can do some serious damage with this!
Undo Purchase
An amazing QoL feature- which was way harder to develop than you think! You can now undo any purchase made in the last 15 seconds which will return your tokens to you in full, this won't work if the item has been used.
New Maps
All aboard the hype crane!
Welcome to your mush-doom!
There's a hassle in the castle
EggWars Rank Update
Additionally we've added 3 new egg break messages; rammed, cooked & kicked.
One of the features we had in the beta EggWars UI shop was that icon backgrounds would be green or red depending on whether you could afford it or not. This will now happen in the current shop without all the UI changes.
We've added 7 achievements to Java for the new features as well, so get them before they're gone.
We've also buffed the Baker kit to give more substantial food items.
Full Changelog
Development: @driima
Seasonal Leaderboard Backend: @rubik_cube_man @Ethan @driima
Technical Assistance: @Austin
Rank Designer: @camulos03
Builders: @Unstrafeless @TheJeroen @Soulless_Unity
Map Configuration: @Alex_de_Grote
Quality Assurance: @Xavi | Goofy @Darkninja27
Feedback & Testing: EggWars focus group members
Project Lead: @Story
Thank you for reading! As always, feel free to leave your feedback nicely below or in a new suggestion thread and we'll get through it.
We'll be working hard on this update for the next week to ensure everything is stable.
We're ready to finally present our newest experimental update, EggWars Season 1. Read about it below!

Introducing our new system for EggWars, Seasons. Every 3 months we'll release a new season showcasing new features, each season will host it's own set of new features & changes which are automatically slated for removal unless the community votes otherwise. This will allow us to trial some new and wacky ideas in EggWars!
In 1.5 months expect a thread where you can all vote and give feedback on the individual features of the update.
Each season will also have it's very own leaderboard which will only show stats obtained during the seasonal period. This will be permanently etched into the leaderboard section even after the season finishes- so whoever holds the top spot of season 1 after it finishes will keep it!

Our very first feature of Season 1. You can buy curses for your egg which will enact effects on the enemy who gets in their vicinity, giving you an opportunity to protect your egg. Choose your curse wisely based on your island defence setup!
Choose from the following curses: glowing (JE only), slowness, blindness, mining fatigue.

One of the topics we had lots and lots of community discussion on was whether redstone fit into EggWars. A perfect feature to trial in the new seasonal system! What will you do with it?
The redstone category includes the following items: repeater, pistons, oak pressure pad, string, slime blocks, redstone, redstone block, dispenser, observer, tripwire hook, lever.

Introducing generator sludge, a new item in the miscellaneous section, this allows you to lower the level of any generator by one. However a generator cannot be downgraded below its starting level and can only be done every 20 seconds. A strategic team can do some serious damage with this!

An amazing QoL feature- which was way harder to develop than you think! You can now undo any purchase made in the last 15 seconds which will return your tokens to you in full, this won't work if the item has been used.

All aboard the hype crane!

Welcome to your mush-doom!

There's a hassle in the castle

Kawaii Plant Pot - Generator
Cupcake & Plush - Egg Skins
Bakery - Shop Skin

One of the features we had in the beta EggWars UI shop was that icon backgrounds would be green or red depending on whether you could afford it or not. This will now happen in the current shop without all the UI changes.
We've added 7 achievements to Java for the new features as well, so get them before they're gone.
We've also buffed the Baker kit to give more substantial food items.

+ Added seasonal leaderboard system.
+ Added egg curses mechanic.
+ Added redstone shop category.
+ Added 3 new maps.
+ Added image renderer support to all icons.
+ Added undo purchase functionality.
+ Added new loot items to EggWars Rank.
+ Added 'Sewer' parkour to EggWars lobby.
+ Updated EggWars lobby design to use 1.12 blocks.
- Removed triple health voting option.
- Removed unbreaking enchantment effect from shop.
- Replaced Team map, Mushrooms
* Fixed item name formatting. (Java)
* Increased price of weakness arrows.
* Removed shadows from EggWars token items.
* Fixed buying a full set of armour gives you an extra helmet.
* Fixed kill credits not being given for void deaths or /leave.
* Updated confirmation box design.
* Changed leap feathers to not be usable during flight. (Java)
* Fixed Elytra being usable multiple times.
* Buffed Baker kit. (Bedrock)
* Changed all backgrounds to use the new EggWars purple.
* Changed scoreboard game titles.
+ Added egg curses mechanic.
+ Added redstone shop category.
+ Added 3 new maps.
+ Added image renderer support to all icons.
+ Added undo purchase functionality.
+ Added new loot items to EggWars Rank.
+ Added 'Sewer' parkour to EggWars lobby.
+ Updated EggWars lobby design to use 1.12 blocks.
- Removed triple health voting option.
- Removed unbreaking enchantment effect from shop.
- Replaced Team map, Mushrooms
* Fixed item name formatting. (Java)
* Increased price of weakness arrows.
* Removed shadows from EggWars token items.
* Fixed buying a full set of armour gives you an extra helmet.
* Fixed kill credits not being given for void deaths or /leave.
* Updated confirmation box design.
* Changed leap feathers to not be usable during flight. (Java)
* Fixed Elytra being usable multiple times.
* Buffed Baker kit. (Bedrock)
* Changed all backgrounds to use the new EggWars purple.
* Changed scoreboard game titles.

Development: @driima
Seasonal Leaderboard Backend: @rubik_cube_man @Ethan @driima
Technical Assistance: @Austin
Rank Designer: @camulos03
Builders: @Unstrafeless @TheJeroen @Soulless_Unity
Map Configuration: @Alex_de_Grote
Quality Assurance: @Xavi | Goofy @Darkninja27
Feedback & Testing: EggWars focus group members
Project Lead: @Story
Thank you for reading! As always, feel free to leave your feedback nicely below or in a new suggestion thread and we'll get through it.

We'll be working hard on this update for the next week to ensure everything is stable.

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