Eli Aug 29, 2019 Well! There goes the peace treaty... How long did it take for the civil war to start again? 3 years? Mankind is just disgusting.
Well! There goes the peace treaty... How long did it take for the civil war to start again? 3 years? Mankind is just disgusting.
Eli Aug 22, 2019 “Find a bug. Pretend it’s a feature. Make a suggestion about it. Wait for that green tag.”
Eli Aug 13, 2019 https://imgur.com/a/uQIslyW I bet you can’t realize what’s wrong about this screenshot
P P Priley Aug 2, 2019 Well guess this is about time. Looks like you're not only about "add blockwars back bla bla bla management is stopid bla bla bla"
Well guess this is about time. Looks like you're not only about "add blockwars back bla bla bla management is stopid bla bla bla"