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  • Hello Guys!
    I just wanted to say that I have never sat a full period of time on duels so I was curious about it and sat 1 hr and 15-20 mins and the result was this:

    Which I think is pretty good which is a ratio of 2 wins a minute and I think that it is pretty good as well as I have done it almost without losing. The road to duels leaderboard is coming true! (eh, I hope xD)...
    Finished The Exams Today!
    (was easy) 👌
    Now I have a 1 week holiday sooooooo, it is basically ultimate gaming mode: On
    Good Luck to people who still didn't do it! :heart:
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    Reactions: Velocidad and Silco
    Enjoy the week as much as you can,you deserve it.In a month I can too,rn i have a lot of exams :(
    Thanks, Good luck in your exams :D
    Hello guys!
    Now I know that the thing I am gonna say is kinda embarrassing but when I was willing to get in the solo sky lb, I discovered that I was late so I just went for Sky for fun, surprisingly I have just reached 10k kills in solo Skywars!! I killed a lot of pro people in the top places of the lb so, what I want to say is that not because I am late to the lb means that I can't be pro :)
    Killing leaderboard players doesn't mean you're pro, I think if you meet the best people out there fair 1v1 it would be really hard to kill them, how many wins do you have and go for that leaderboard!!
    By the way, it's never too late to go for it, actually though, no one really goes for it, the last new leaderboard player was 1 month ago. It's only a matter of playing a long time and be good too. If you need Skywars tricks, feel free to ask me for tips & play with me
    Idk why you are doing it like I am a new Minecrafter lol, I would stick with playing Skywars for Fun! But it is no problem playing with me @YoshiGameplayX and giving me some tips about how to enjoy it even more :P
    (Note: Sorry for having 3 parts for my announcements since I can't write more than 420 characters :( .... read from the bottom)
    And I have started on Aug. 29, 2021, so I think it is now clear why I wouldn't be online that much till October 14! (I may just be on forums for this while and just read some threads). And yeah!
    Hello Guys!

    I haven't been on CubeCraft a lot nowadays since, I started Exams (yes, it might seem weird for you but we actually started), now in my system, we have 2 semesters, each of them has two big Exams, one at half of it and one at the end of it.

    Just a guy said that he would report me because of "hacks" and I am ready to have a clip if tried to report! I have just no idea of why he said that I am hacking like even the kill was a noob one....
    Thanks for the follow!
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    Reactions: khco
    hehe I should have done it from before, I thought that I followed you from before! xD
    I was now bored so I was viewing forums and just realized that @Wauterrr has the same keyboard lol.
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