Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. T

    Bedrock Improve the anti cheat

    They were blatantly cheating. You can't fly with a lag. And what's the point of taking 20 minutes to report them if they can get around the ban in less than 5? At least Hive is catching things and updating their anti cheat. Cubecraft's anti cheat also gives a lot of false bans.
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    Bedrock Improve the anti cheat

    I looked it up on youtube. It seems like you can just create a new microsoft account to bypass the ban. Even anti vpns can be bypassed by restarting your router I heard.
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    Bedrock Improve the anti cheat

    Hi, Today I saw a hacker. He was literally flying, taking no knockback at all and using some killaura hacks with crazy reach. His name was "SentinelEZ5718" and I reported him using /sr. 10 minutes later I got a message that said he'd logged off. My report was then closed, but a few games later...
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    Bedrock Enhance Anti-Cheat Measures:

    Hi there, Cheating on cubecraft is still extremely easy. You can bypass any ban in less than 5 minutes. Bypasses from free public clients take months to get patched. There are still many bypassing fly cheats. You can cheat around 2 hours right now before you get banned by a moderator. Cheats...
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    Bedrock Implementing a Player Ranking System in CubeCraft

    One of the reasons I don't play Cubecraft is that there are too many casual players. I once mained Zeqa and Hive and Cubecraft is simply much more casual friendly. You can't combo someone for too long and reducing works differently. Would love to see a ranked mode.
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    Bedrock SkyWars Improve matchmaking of PC gamers versus Mobile gamers, it's hard to beat PC gamers being on mobile.

    Then do that. You won't learn by only fighting other mobile players. I don't know if cubecraft already has skill based match making. But they should make it more friendly to mobile players so that they have more time to practice basic techniques before fighting pc players. This is better for...
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    Bedrock SkyWars Improve matchmaking of PC gamers versus Mobile gamers, it's hard to beat PC gamers being on mobile.

    There's no disadvantage on mobile when it comes to PvP. You have the same reach, attack speed, etc. It's harder to become good at mobile. You'll need to learn hitselecting, jump resetting and bridging. But if you've mastered this stuff you are as good as a pc player.
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    Java Get rid of SkyWars hackers

    Due to all of the different problems I've listed above, it would probably just be better to go with an existing anti-cheat. Writing a good movement simulation and updating it can take months. Some anti-cheats have been using these things for multiple years now. They already had tons of user...
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    Java Get rid of SkyWars hackers

    The problem with Sentinel, in my opinion, is that bypasses are getting patched way too slowly. There are much better anti-cheats at the moment. It might be true that an anti-cheat can not prevent all forms of cheating, but it should still be able to limit blatant cheating. @Zathelas mentioned a...
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    Bedrock Sketchy Hackers

    Sounds more like a skill issue. I don't know about the rules, but wouldn't it be possible to just use a mouse and keyboard on your phone?
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    Bedrock Sentinel needs to be fixed

    When you cheat an the Hive you get banned by a moderator in around 30 minutes. Most cheats silently flag and alert a moderator. Hive's anti cheat is much stricter. They mostly only kick for movement cheats as most modern anti cheats do. This means if you have a lag spike you might get kicked...
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    Bedrock Sentinel needs to be fixed

    On java some private clients have a full movement disabler. The thing is that a public open sourced client has a fly that hasn't been patched an entire year. This is kinda unacceptable in my opinion for a server this big than cubecraft. I was a bit wrong about the bedrock side. In fact many...
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    Bedrock Sentinel needs to be fixed

    Hey everyone, In my opinion, cubecrafts anti-cheat on bedrock needs to be fixed. You can literally use Vanilla Fly for 3-5 times a game and you will not get banned. Cheaters can cheat for hours until a moderator bans them. I won't link a video here, but you can see for yourself on YouTube...
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    CubeCraft Future Prediciton

    I think Cubecraft will get more and more players, but hive will have a comeback 😀
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    CubeCraft Future Prediciton

    I will always play on hive. The knockback on cubecraft is so bad (my opinion)… Cubecraft has some upsides like many updates, but I just enjoy hive more. Also CubeCraft anti cheat is much worse than flareon. Hive’s anti cheat is updated on a daily base and I often see cheaters getting banning...
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    Bedrock Anti cheat

    Sure! I don’t know anything about bedrock’s protocol. I’m a java dev, but that doesn’t change the fact that the anti cheats need to be focused more by the devs. The problem aren’t just the blatant cheaters; closet cheaters are there too. But the fact that fly and fast speeds do bypass shows...
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    Bedrock Anti cheat

    Hackers are able to fly and use extreme auras with blatant settings. Some java anti cheats have basically eliminated blatant cheating. So here are some checks the anti cheat should add:s - Better movement checks that ban vanilla fly - A latency based 3.2 block reach checks - A 99.99 % velocity...
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