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  1. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands New strat found to win all the time

    literally my new strategy slimes are too strong
  2. h0rrifyd


  3. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands New strat found to win all the time

    I will let the screenshots speak for itself (200 slimes+-)
  4. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands Kamikaze trap in luckyislands

    bahahaha thats actually funny, but yeah clickbait is one of the easiet maps to do this on, plus the one where the side island has iron blocks aswell tho u gotta get lucky with the drops
  5. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands Kamikaze trap in luckyislands

    I tried already, sadly it doesn't
  6. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands Kamikaze trap in luckyislands

    trap chest = goated strat
  7. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands Kamikaze trap in luckyislands

    I see ur a man of culture aswell. Its such a fun strat.
  8. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands Kamikaze trap in luckyislands

    Hello there, I found this new trap in luckyislands, which is so overpowered its crazy.
  9. h0rrifyd

    Java Free for All So I started a cult on accident...

    Its so funny, great to see people come together
  10. h0rrifyd

    Java Free for All So I started a cult on accident...

    Joined free for all, and saw another person, started shifting and slowly walking away, dude started following me and doing the same, another dude spots me, and starts doing the same thing. So now we have 3 people there. I had to go because some dude was chasing me for killing him, and when i...
  11. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands What works what doesn't (item suggestion + bug report)

    The swapper has been broken for a while, still waiting for it to get fixed. Yes it can, but i still havent figured out what angles to mainly do it with, and it just explodes the blocks. This actually is a good reasson to keep the old voting system, i didn't know about this even. I can see that...
  12. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands Finally, 10k wins in Solo Lucky Islands! 🍀

    Congrats dude, this must have taken so long
  13. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands What works what doesn't (item suggestion + bug report)

    I made a video where I explain a few bugs, and item suggestion, and a map complain about luckyislands.
  14. h0rrifyd

    Video I robbed a bookstore when i was 10

    yapping while playing lucky islands
  15. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands Can i win lucky islands using every kit?

    Thank you bro ill try my best
  16. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands Can i win lucky islands using every kit?

    Hello there, i'm attempting a challenge, where i try to beat lucky islands using every kit, and made a video about it, i would apreciate if you were to check it out, hope this inspires more people to play lucky islands. The first 30 seconds are laggy for no reasson but afterwards it returns to...
  17. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands we need to ban these maps

    this is a good thing, i like it too, just compared with any other map but these 2 its an issue lmao
  18. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands we need to ban these maps

    its the bridging issue in these maps, the blocks you get and the needed amount to go to middle just doesnt work
  19. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands we need to ban these maps

    none has woken up and said lets go its island map my favourite
  20. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands Found a cool trap you can do in luckyblocks

    oh letss go, i see we think the same lmao
  21. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands we need to ban these maps

    Totally agree with this, i play on java, and holy, the distance you need to travel to in Island map is unjustifiable, i think that map was made for regular skywars and just got put in lucky islands, the map design is awesome and i do like it, just the distance with the blocks you are given is...
  22. h0rrifyd

    h0rrifyd's introduction

    halloo, and i know some russian just a little bit nothing crazy
  23. h0rrifyd

    h0rrifyd's introduction

  24. h0rrifyd

    h0rrifyd's introduction

    Hello there, my ign: h0rrifyd, i'm 19 and i'm from Latvia, i'm new to 1.9 pvp and i mainly just play lucky islands, its one of the best gamemodes here, i also play bedwars, sometimes i livestream here on this server playing games, if you want to play together sometimes or do some challenges add...
  25. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands we need to ban these maps

    it's more of a opinion
  26. h0rrifyd

    i make youtube videos sometimes

    i make youtube videos sometimes
  27. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands we need to ban these maps

    Ignore my dyslexic writing
  28. h0rrifyd

    Java Lucky Islands we need to ban these maps

    Hello there, i've been playing luckyblock for a while now, and i noticed that these 2 maps (Cakes) and (Islands) have it so that you can't get to middle with the blocks you get from the block luckyblock which is annoying, cakes for now is very chill and managable BUT ISLAND ONE just no, its very...
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