Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. TyFoxy

    Artwork Unfinished doodlz!

    Hey so, Hai, welcome, or welcome back to another thread. About my art - this stuffz is not finished so.. Ye! Also if you'd like more information please check out my Picarto page! (Can't link it here but for obvious reasons you can figure it out by googling me <3)
  2. TyFoxy

    Artwork Poi Boy~

    So I have this long time follower who had requested to have this profile picture, I've been pushing his request to the side so much I actually forgot about it, I found it again months later and felt I needed to make it up to him. My previous sketch really needed some work, so in this post i'll...
  3. Foxy011

    Artwork Bambi

    Well I decided to draw Bambi for the first time, and well I couldn’t be bothered with the background so I rushed it in this one. I know some of you want me to do some drawings for you, but I have been going through some difficult times which has not made me want to draw lately and this is the...
  4. Elenahh

    Artwork Hi StorySa...

    Yeah, yeah I know that I spammed ''Artwork''. I promise I will take a break now... or no... (I used one trick. It would probably look worse if I didn't.)
  5. Elenahh

    Artwork Snodia

    Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the most difficult thing I have painted in my life... @Snodia
  6. Elenahh

    Artwork The Invisible Man

    Hello guys! I hope you like it. I am not good at drawing, but it was fun for me. The picture which I drew...
  7. Foxy011

    Artwork Old drawing

    Oh look what I found from over 2 years ago xD
  8. Foxy011

    Artwork Request For HurmCurtis

    Hey, here is a requested drawing for @HurmitCurtis and here are the stages to the drawing I did, which I do for all of my drawings: First I did a basic outline that I thought was ok for the drawing, like this. Then, I do another outline on top of the first outline in the colours I want...
  9. Foxy011

    Artwork Requests

    Hey guys, anyone want me to draw something for them? Have a look at some of my art work I've posted, and if you like it then feel free to ask me :] I will post the drawing on here and tag you. Edit: I do have a few requests so I'm not sure how long your drawing will take as I am busy, But you...
  10. Foxy011

    Artwork More Drawings

    The first drawing is an old cartoon wolf drawing I did over a year ago on my phone, and the second one is a random puppy I drew for my sick grandma a month before she passed away, because she loved dogs. If you guys do have any suggestions on what I should draw then feel free to ask! I...
  11. Foxy011

    Artwork Negan - The Walking Dead Drawing

    I don't know if anyone on here is a Walking Dead fan, but I thought I'd share my drawing I did on my phone of Negan the other day. :P
  12. TyFoxy

    Artwork ☕ART PLACE ☕

    Hello you cubecrafters youuu, if you are looking at this thread then GREAT! I am currently opening up a discord community full of artists! Find your place here upon other artists and art enthusiast that will hopefully find their way here as we grow! Make art? Sign up! Let us know and we can...
  13. TyFoxy

    Artwork SUPER FLOOF!

    AHHH~ I love this so much!!! THANK YOUUU! <3 (Art Submitted to me By Laila Jade Mercer)
  14. TyFoxy

    Artwork MORE FOOF!

    Hey, so I made yet another thingy. Hope you liek :D
  15. remio

    Artwork My first pixelated profile picture ever!

    Hi guys, I'm RemiO05 and this is my new profile picture! :D Made by myself! Do you like it? Comment below!
  16. remio

    Artwork My artwork for halloween!

    Hi, here's my halloween artwork! I want to show my art for the 2nd time, because I also posted it in the competition thread. Give me constructive critism!
  17. Spookrijder1

    Artwork Drawings

    Here's some projects I've been working on.
  18. TyFoxy

    Artwork Just made some stuffs!

    Made some cool thingies for peeps! I have one more request I have to finish that will be done soon! Much love!
  19. TyFoxy

    Artwork Something because I wanna ;w;

    So, noticed there was an art section, thought I'd ask if anyone would like anything kinda cool like this? I draw fluffy animals but I wanted to know if anyone wants one of the following: - Cool background - Stream border - Simple Icon design Because I do this kinda thing all the time and I...
  20. StrafeMaster

    Artwork Made Some Thumbnails

  21. Xycheth

    Artwork Pixel Art | For Skins & Others (FULL)

    I suck at titles, but hey I decided to do PA (Pixel art) for those who would like to have one. Just give me the picture of the character or anything you want me to draw in pixel art style. Similiar to this (even thought it's not quite done yet) FORM to fill in: Username: Kouqiat Reference...
  22. Xycheth

    Artwork My art improvement..

    2014 2017
  23. FalseHonesty

    Artwork FalseHonesty's Art Shop!

    Good luck! Remember I WILL ONLY ACCEPT THE FIRST 3 PEOPLE! Also, I forgot to add this, what background would you like? Thank you! :D [EDIT] THIS THREAD IS NOW CLOSED. Please do not ask for more art until I have opened it again. Thank you :p
  24. F

    Some kind of TD Art?

    I got inspired by the armor stand stuff in the lobby, and so I made this. I dunno if I'll make more, it was very hard messing with rotations and and equipment tags. Naming it "Teamwork"
  25. Despacito 2

    Artwork Free Profile Pics......

    So eh....... Hello People of the Internet! Because I have 500 Messages and its almost Eastern I will make Free Profile Pictures till eh... May I think! So you have 2 months to ask me what you want! I can't make everything so some times it could come out a little weird.... First choose a type of...
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