This thread is why I think Cubecraft desperately needs a duels update and this thread will be providing suggestions on what is needed, and the benefit of them getting added
1. Classic Duel Gamemodes:
One of my, and I'm sure several others biggest problems with cubecraft duels is that it...
Cubecraft is an absolutely amazing server! Recently its also been overtaking the Hive in player counts and this is amazing to see as a person who's played cubecraft consistently since April of 2018! However, like any other server, it has its fair share of problems and a lot of room for...
Duels is a fun gamemode on cubecraft.
One thing that is very annoying is the maps. I dont see any reason for the maps having a huge flower, a huge mushroom or ice cubes everywhere.
It makes combos harder to keep and is also a way for people to sit in corners and abuse the headhitter. The ice...
I think enderpearls and rods would add a dynamic addition to combat in skywars and battle arena as they haven’t been added to bedrock (I don’t know about Java)
there may be other things that could be added to either of these so please reply if you have any other suggestions
Honestly none of the Minecraft bedrock servers have introduced any sort of factions or clan like games. I think it would be a nice addition to the server and probably even increase the player count. You can play with friends, it’s competitive, and overall a lot of fun.
First of all , sorry for the english ,isnt my main language.
Berseker kit is weak in Bedrock Edition, here why:
-axe in Bedrock Edition is just a sword with less damange . A diamond axe its the same as an iron sword.
-the armor is weak. Sniper s armor is better then Berserker s and Sniper is...
Here's a bunch of things that'll make CC more enjoyable.
1) In eggwars, wall builders are a pretty cool thing in the game, and is a thing that can be used in really creative ways. The issue with them is that you have to buy them one by one. a quality of life change would be the ability buy 5...
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