Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. A

    Bedrock Scrimming

    Hello! In this thread I would like to give feedback on the "war" between Cubecraft staff and scrimmers. Firstly I would like to explain to thise not familiar with scrimming what it is: Cubecraft scrimming is a competitive mode played on Cubecraft Bedrock edition where 2 teams fight to overpower...
  2. caraMel

    MinerWare Other Games Weekly Challenge ~ 2

    Hi again!! :) For those who don't know how this works, every week I'll be posting a new exciting challenge for you to compete at! I'll announce the previous week's winners in the next week's post and you'll have exactly a week to join and share evidence. Firstly, here are the results from week...
  3. Reesle

    Community Giveaway (#2) - January: Battle Arena ⚔️ [CLOSED]

    Introduction: Hello everyone! Hope you’re all having a great day! Today I will be opening my 2nd community giveaway. Giveaway: To celebrate the new Battle Arena updates and rank-refresh, today’s giveaway will be for the Battle Arena rank! To be entered into the giveaway, you MUST reply with...
  4. wolfking253822

    Bedrock Denied Devil bundle should be removed and the cubecraft team needs to get it together, respectfully

    I don't know who at cubecraft thought it would be a good idea to add a bundle with literal pentagrams and exorcism?? Nor do I know how it managed to make it past Microsoft and get into the marketplace... This bundle should be removed as it is highly offensive to people who are religious. that's...
  5. J

    Bedrock Cubecraft need better autoclicker detector

    i noticed a lot of people use autoclick, i play eggwars a lot and there some many people who can put more than 12 blocks in less than a second, but suspicioslly they are not that good at pvp, i think its bit easy identify someone with autoclick, but why cubecraft dont do something. personally...
  6. C

    Java Bedrock Opinion on where cubecraft currently is in terms of quality

  7. Reesle

    Bedrock Other Games Let’s Talk (#2): VIP Levels & Private Games Accessibility 🎖️

    Introduction: Hello everyone! Hope you’re all having a good evening. Tonight’s discussion will focus on mainly VIP levels and a bit on Private Games too. Please share ALL thoughts and opinions on this topic in the replies, and vote on the poll too! Now, let’s get into it. Conversation Topics...
  8. Reesle

    All Networks Lobby Parkour EXP Suggestions 👟

    Introduction: Hello everyone! Hope you’re all having a fantastic afternoon! Today’s suggestion will be short and sweet and will be about lobby parkours. Suggestions: I really like lobby parkours. Some are challenging and some are easy, some are short and some are long, most are addictive and...
  9. Reesle

    Bedrock Gyro Reactor Egg Skin Suggestion ☢️

    Introduction: Hello everybody! Hope you’re all having a wonderful day/night! Today I will be making a suggestion about adding a prefix to go along with the purchase of the Gyro Reactor Egg Skin. Hope you like it! Now, let’s get into it. Suggestion: If you didn’t already know, the Gyro Reactor...
  10. Reesle

    First Reply (with IGN) wins (#1): Festive Bundle 🎁

    Introduction: Good evening! I thought I would do a 2nd December giveaway on top of the Skyblock rank giveaway I’m doing (here’s the link to Skyblock giveaway: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/community-giveaway-1-christmas-giveaway-.357367/). Today’s winnable gift will be a Festive Bundle! How...
  11. SrMuerto7w7

    Bedrock Give simple rewards for leveling up - Dar recompensas sencillas por subir de nivel

    INGLES (TRANSLATOR) Hello, beautiful people, second post I make and they have received me very well, but now there is context: My suggestion is that they give simple rewards for leveling up in CubeCraft to reward those who spend hours and hours in the game modes and thus achieve a real...
  12. Reesle

    Bedrock New Skyblock Island 5th Edition - Overworld: Frozen Ocean 🧊

    Introduction: Hey all! Hope you’re having a great evening! Tonight’s suggestion will not be as large as the last one, but will still have plenty of ideas! However, if you do not feel like reading it all, please at least take a look at the “summary” section near the bottom. Tonight, I will be...
  13. ufoman94

    SkyWars Why is fire so absolutely op in Bedrock Skywars?

    I don't like how in Bedrock Skywars you can go from full HP to dead in one hit with a Fire Aspect 2 damond sword! Why is it so ridiculously good? Anyone agree with me?
  14. Reesle

    Community Giveaway #1 - Christmas Giveaway 🎅 [CLOSED]

    Giveaway: Due to Christmas also being known as “The Season of Giving”, I will be GIVING you all the chance to win a rank by hosting a hosting a GIVEAWAY!! The prize will be a Skyblock rank as seen in the image below: Info: If you already have the Skyblock rank, you are allowed to enter for a...
  15. Reesle

    Bedrock Goblin Egg Skin Suggestion 👹

    Introduction: Hello! Hope you’re all having a fantastic day. Today I will be making a suggestion about an addition to the Goblin Egg Skin. It will be similar to the suggestion I did about the Gamebox Chest Skin 2 days ago. Without further ado, let’s get into it! Suggestion: The Goblin Egg...
  16. Semi_Good

    Bedrock Make an option for each players to be able to disable automatic region switching

    Whenever I get the message that I have been put for different regions it annoys me as we have no way of disabling automatic region switching for quicker matchmaking. Some players including me would prefer to wait that little bit longer so we could have a stable connection during matches and not...
  17. Dualninja

    Bedrock GIGA Blockwars feedback

    GIGA Blockwars I am mainly making this thread as an open discussion on GIGA Blockwars. If you have any ideas not in this post, please post them below. Background GIGA Blockwars is the most unique game on Cubecraft in my opinion, being a 50v50 version of Blockwars. It has both Bridges and CTF...
  18. hFurb4ll

    Bedrock Winstreaks and Blockwars

    I feel like this was talked about before, but in case it wasn't, well. Winstreaks are a problem, specifically in Blockwars. Let me first give a small vocabulary box. Blockwars: Referring to the 5v5 one, not duels, not giga. Issue #1: Now let's go through the wayback machine on pointercrate...
  19. t1m7861

    Bedrock Teams of 10?

    I played blockwars and eggwars Mega a lot recently and it kinda feels to big. I think that teams of 10 would be better to play with or just add an new 10 player gamemode. I also think it would be better so you dont spwan in an blockwars briges Game that has 3 minutes left and you are losing it...
  20. cryptofrogz

    Bedrock New Profile Borders

    New Profile Borders I will keep this pretty short as it is not necessary to waffle about. But we haven’t seen any new profile borders in a long time ⏰ (Around 1 year, correct me if I am wrong) It would be nice to have some new ones added to enable more customisation. Even some more profile...
  21. Reesle

    Bedrock New Skyblock Island 3rd Edition - Nether: The Bastion Remnant 🐽

    Hello! Today’s Skyblock suggestion is a little shorter than usual because I don’t have a ton of ideas. However, I think the ones I do have are good enough to be turned into an island. With that said, today I will be suggesting Cubecraft add a new Nether island : The Bastion Remnant. Bastion...
  22. Dualninja

    All Networks Wizard kit changes.

    Wizard Wizard is the best kit in FFA, that's just a fact. It's only a bit op, so it doesn't dwarf the competition, but it's still the best kit. It's also the most skill based, so I think it should stay near the top, but I still think it should get a small nerf. So for anyone that doesn't know...
  23. Dualninja

    Bedrock Make players small in parkour microgames.

    Parkour Microgames There are many Microgames in Minerware that I would classify as parkour Microgames. Thing is, it's a broad category. But for this suggestion I'm going to stick to Mushroom Parkour, Drop To The Ground, and Thimble. In these three microgames, players are at their full size...
  24. Dualninja

    Bedrock Quests, Loot and more!

    Loot On Bedrock, there are hardly any ways to earn loot for free. The only ways are from finishing lobby parkours and from seasonal events. This is in stark contrast to the Java server, which has many ways to earn cosmetics. Loot on the Java server mostly comes from Cubelets, which are...
  25. Flxen

    CubeCraft RTX IV Spooky Edition!

    It's time for the fourth part of this series of posts, as everyone knows today is Halloween, and what better way to celebrate than with a new round of images, in this case spooky, enjoy! Extra content: Dark Fog Crab!
  26. Dualninja

    Bedrock Make Minerware fair on Mobile!

    Minerware on mobile Minerware on mobile is in a poor state right now! It's the only game without input based matchmaking and it really shows. Minerware doesn't have it because when input based matchmaking was implemented, Minerware was viewed as too casual to need it. However, there are many...
  27. Dualninja

    Bedrock Add Whack A Mob!

    Whack A Mob With the inauguration of the mob vote server came a new minigame, Whack A Mob. The premise was simple, it's Whack A Mole, but with Minecraft mobs. The issue is, the mob vote server is shutting down today and Whack A Mob will be gone with it. So I propose that Whack A Mob be...
  28. EpicShotz1432

    Bedrock Add back the map Heart!

    August last year a map was added to Skywars duos called Heart and me and my friend played it a loti think it was one of our favourite maps, and then one day it was gone. And i think they should add it back! What do think! Please vote in the poll above! "This is a very Heartfelt message"
  29. cryptofrogz

    Bedrock Survival Games Overhaul

    Survival Games Crafting & Experience Overhaul As many of you may know survival games is a great little game on Cubecraft. Although it may not have as big as a community as Eggwars, Skywars or Bridges etc… It still needs some Love & Attention ❤. It has many things you can do in it such as...

    Region misplacement

    Since today, I've been experiencing an issue where I get placed in a NA lobby or game, even though I live in the EU, I've never had this problem before. Is it just me, or have other people also encountered this issue and could it possibly be a bug?"
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