Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. Atom_

    Duels Kit Selection

    When I play duels, I like to pick certain kits because some of them people just camp, and some like the potion kit with damage pots doesn't have much sword pvp. I would like to add a feature where you can select which kits you like and which kits you don't like and when you right click it picks...
  2. eu5ebio7w7

    Java Duels in version 1.8

    It would be very good that duels will be implemented in version 1.8 of the server, personally I would like very much :)
  3. MadBadJK

    Java 1.8 PvP duels?

    Okay I know the staff are already under heavy pressure from existing games. But theres actually no existing way to compete in a 1v1 or in a group against known people. Not tryna be toxic but many people be like: "LmAo KiD jUsT gO iN a sKyWaRs oR eGgWaRs gAmE aNd rEaCh uR fRiEnDs aS sOoN aS...
  4. Nilsen84

    Java Ping Difference In PvP Duels

    To start off I like pvp on CubeCraft. I Especially like duels. I play quite a lot of duels everyday and am enjoying it. I win most of the duels I play against non-laggers but if I am playing against someone with around a 100 ping or more I am pretty much guaranteed to loose unless that person...
  5. Starry

    Escalated Playagain/Automode for Duels

    Hey Cubes, when you play Skywars or other some other games you can do /playagain now and /playagain automode like here: Or you can click on the Play Again, Automode or Leave message when you die like here: I play Duels regularly, and when I win/lose a Duel you are able to rematch the person...
  6. D

    Java Duels need this

    Hello! We all played in the "duels" minigame. To complete a daily challenge or improve your skill. Recently, many players began to leave from the duel when they start to lose. They use autotips or quickly do ctrl+v. Because of this, you don't get a kill, but everything in duels based on kills...
  7. JoeProKill2000

    Java 1.8 Duels

    In CubeCraft 1.9+ Java, there are 1v1 duels you can participate in. I feel there should also be another queue for 1.8 duels so people who like the old combat system better can 1v1 in those duels.
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