Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. eu5ebio7w7

    Java Duels in version 1.8

    It would be very good that duels will be implemented in version 1.8 of the server, personally I would like very much :)
  2. MadBadJK

    Java 1.8 PvP duels?

    Okay I know the staff are already under heavy pressure from existing games. But theres actually no existing way to compete in a 1v1 or in a group against known people. Not tryna be toxic but many people be like: "LmAo KiD jUsT gO iN a sKyWaRs oR eGgWaRs gAmE aNd rEaCh uR fRiEnDs aS sOoN aS...
  3. Nilsen84

    Java Ping Difference In PvP Duels

    To start off I like pvp on CubeCraft. I Especially like duels. I play quite a lot of duels everyday and am enjoying it. I win most of the duels I play against non-laggers but if I am playing against someone with around a 100 ping or more I am pretty much guaranteed to loose unless that person...
  4. Starry

    Escalated Playagain/Automode for Duels

    Hey Cubes, when you play Skywars or other some other games you can do /playagain now and /playagain automode like here: Or you can click on the Play Again, Automode or Leave message when you die like here: I play Duels regularly, and when I win/lose a Duel you are able to rematch the person...
  5. D

    Java Duels need this

    Hello! We all played in the "duels" minigame. To complete a daily challenge or improve your skill. Recently, many players began to leave from the duel when they start to lose. They use autotips or quickly do ctrl+v. Because of this, you don't get a kill, but everything in duels based on kills...
  6. JoeProKill2000

    Java 1.8 Duels

    In CubeCraft 1.9+ Java, there are 1v1 duels you can participate in. I feel there should also be another queue for 1.8 duels so people who like the old combat system better can 1v1 in those duels.
  7. K

    Bedrock PvP game mode in bedrock

    Hello guys, this is my first post on the forums so don't get mad at me if I make a mistake. I feel like the 4 gamemodes in bedrock are getting boring, I feel like we should add something new like duels. You put the gamemode in Java, why not bedrock edition. I get it if you guys are working on...
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