Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

feedback and suggestions

  1. SoloWarz

    Bedrock Add Health Vote For Minecraft Bedrock

    Hello Everyone ! So I suggest you to put health voting on Minecraft bedrock edition, so that it becomes more funny and similar to java ! I also suggest that players with VIP lvl 1+ are only able to health vote but they must have the rank of the game first ! for example : You are VIP lvl 1 so you...
  2. C

    Bedrock Magic and mayhem needs some changes

    Me and my friend have been playing this game on the ps4 for awhile now and have constantly talking about things that should be changed or added. It's way too easy to get gear in the game since you could just lvl up your luck and get an inventory full of gear in no time and the rare gear seem to...
  3. _EliteDanny

    Java Leaderboards to Lobby

    Note: This is my first thread so bare with me here 😅 So I had a not very original idea to put leaderboards more visibly into the game, so ppl have more motivation to compete for those slots, and I obviously am not the first one to suggest this many ppl already have and i’m guessing the...
  4. H

    Bedrock New Kit Ideas for Eggwars

    1st Kit idea (Revamped Builder Kit): 8 Blocks and A leather chestplate on Hardcore, 16 Blocks and a leather chestplate on normal, and 24 Blocks and A prot 4 Chestplate in OP (9 Iron) 2nd Kit idea: (Revamped Miner Kit) A wooden pickaxe and 4 Carrots on hardcore, A stone pickaxe and 12 Carrots on...
  5. T

    Bedrock EggWars New Gamemode Suggestion : Versus

    EggWars has many different gamemodes. We have Solos, Duos, Squads, and Mega. I was think of a new gamemode idea when I thought of Versus. I have always wanted to Vs a friend of mine, however that is not possible at the moment, unless we queue up in a Solos match together (which is against the...
  6. D

    Java Among slimes dead

    I'm sure you've seen a big drop in Among Slimes's player base lately. This is partly because Among us is not so popular anymore, but Among us still survived on top almost 6 months, meanwhile Among Slimes didn't even survive 2 months. I think the reason why it died so quickly is in the rules...
  7. Dualninja

    Bedrock /sr should show no rank instead of :Stone:

    Introduction Sentinel reporting was recently added and it's 🎉. But on Bedrock if someone doesn't have a rank, it shows :Stone:! This would make sense on Java where Stone rank exists, but on Bedrock it should just show nothing. Incase anyone is wondering what it looks like currently, here it...
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