Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. E

    Java Animal War [New Game Idea] [No Animal Abuse]

    Animal War This is an idea for a new game that involves capturing animals through special events, such as Alien Abduction, Furious Flood, and Reckless Rampage. They also have cool names. This post is long, so be sure you have time to finish this. Please don’t skip any of this. I appreciate...
  2. Jackxist

    Cubecraft | Merch Store - Additions and Changes

    So I have been reading through the forums and notice that there are a lot of people giving feedback on the merch store with additions and I am making this suggestion to give my opinion on what I think should be changed in the merch store. I have placed everything in Spoilers for your convenience.
  3. T

    Recent balancing

    Does anyone really dislike the recent balancing? For me it ruined the pacing of the game, the slow starting just really discourages to push on... I pretty much quit playing TD now, wich I really dislike because TD was my favorite game in Minecraft.
  4. Jackxist

    Video Eggwars - Cinematic Video | Need Feedback

    Topic So I have made a cinematic video on eggwars team on the map forest and got a good TNT cannon kill and I am planning to maker another cinematic video. But I want to make it good so if anyone can just view this video and let me know what I need to work on to make it better and also keep in...
  5. S

    Video Hey, can you give some feedback about this video? Thanks!

    Hi, I just started a Youtube channel and I would really appreciate it if you checkout my video's and give some tips ;] Thanks! :thumb:
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