Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. Otherworld

    Java Bedrock Did I capture the Fort? ~A FFA Event Suggestion

    Players (homo cubecraftian) in the Canals Territory, FFA. They seem to be participating in unknown rituals that involve dancing around a beacon fire while hastily swinging their pointy sticks. -Photo taken C.E. 2022.- After ground-breaking research, cyber-archeologists figured that this...
  2. logans100

    Bedrock Toxic players in the ffa community

    Hi! Im LoganS100 now i have seen a few toxic players in the ffa community, i beat them 3 times then they jump me and ask me to cry. i feel like this is really stupid because they are being toxic and there is no report function for that. I hope we can build a less toxic community in the future...
  3. mawzx2703

    Bedrock Free for All Shallow Clan

    Shallow Clan A clan open to everyone! A friendly and growing community, there's just a few things before you can join; Be decent at PvP (no need to be the best of the best, just be decent) You can follow rules Be slightly active, at least Play in the AS (asia) region If you meet the...
  4. deadlaycraft

    Bedrock Eggwars FFA mode

    Game suggestion: Eggwars FFA Why its a good idea This gamemode would be perfect for players wanting to play slower-paced, longer games where much more focus is on buying expensive armour and building massive defences. It would be amazing for people wanting to play "eggwars long-games", where...
  5. Onmogelijk

    All Networks FFA Elytra maps

    I think yall know that there are two types of FFA maps. Ground and elytra (wings) maps. The last time a Elytra map got released was when FFA itself got released in 2016. Thats already 6 years ago and i think its the right time to add a new map. Elytra maps are still popular and really enjoyed...
  6. Nightmare

    All Networks FFA Killstreak rewards

    Hey everyone, I recently got back into FFA and played for a while and went for a few killstreaks. As far as i know right now, the killstreaks by themselves have no use except challenging yourself or to flex ^^ Thats why i thought it would maybe be a good idea to actually reward people for...
  7. K

    Java People standing in NPC'S kits in ffa

    Hey, In ffa there are two options for choosing your kit. There are the npc's and you have the piece of paper. The problem is that some people find it funny to stand in the npc's so it's hard to click on them. Can't there be a feature that, just like in the main lobby, players go invisible when...
  8. betty's oldies

    All Networks Don't include FFA regeneration.

    This is a response to this thread. As a veteran FFA player who has played FFA for 6 years with (except berserker) and against all kits, this will not work out in the long run as it doesn't solve the problem of running away or cleaning, two features of the game that many people complain about...
  9. GamePro_35

    Bedrock Nerf the wizard kit

    The wizard kit is very overpowered. A bad player can kill a very good player with it because the potions take more than half of you hp they are faster than you so they could just run away and use the health potions when they are low then attack you while you are on 2hp wondering who in their...
  10. D

    Coding Clan Tag - New Labymod Addon

    Hello Cubecrafters! I along with CCC team would love to present you our newest creation! Clan Tag is a Labymod addon that will help you connect with community! Features: Shows clan tag above player's head. Ability to colorize the clan tag. Detects relation to other clans and automatically...
  11. kyviu

    Bedrock Duels Update

    I want to introduce another idea for the future duels update that may be beneficial to players, so currently as it stand in a normal game of duels the timer to start the game is 10 seconds, and i feel like this time period is unnecessarily long and should be reduced down to 5 seconds, 2 seconds...
  12. kyviu

    Bedrock Auto Mode for Duels?

    Hey, just suggesting that auto mode can be added for duels, as far as I know this doesnt exist unless there is a command I do not know, if so please let me know :)
  13. muby

    All Networks Cubecraft FFA Suggestion

    I think that the Cubecraft FFA for both bedrock and Java edition should have a feature that makes you gain your health back when you kill someone.
  14. Fumoos


    Hey y'all, I've seen java FFA being quite active and yet I couldn't find a single discord that's related to FFA. I'm looking to meet some Java players over there in case one already exists. If there's none, I'm willing to create one which will be used to cooperate, allies, practice fun stuff...
  15. V

    Java Health regen after kill on FFA

    On FFA (free for all) you should get your health back when you kill someone. when you finish a fight they either respawn and kill you or someone attacks you after the fight when your low. thats my only complaint.
  16. P

    Resolved CPS on battle arena

    Hello, I found a way to reach about 17 to 23 Cps on my mouse legally and without cheating, the shape of the mouse helps me to reach it, I did not modify the debounce time, nor use drag click, would Sentinel ban me if i reached such frequency of cps? On battle Arena FFA?
  17. privqted

    Implemented Bedrock People standing in FFA Kits

    In FFA there is a line of kits that you can choose from. But some people decide to just stand inside the kits which makes it very annoying to click into the kit that you want (im aware you can just use the kit selection tool in your inventory but think most people would rather hit the character...
  18. Critomania

    Bedrock Simple chat activity messages

    Greetings to the players! Often playing and watching the chat, you can notice that the messages about the murders of players are quite long. I think that it is necessary to add the function of simplified messages for murders to the "profile setting" setting. Personally, it would be convenient...
  19. FoxFil_

    Java Denied FFA info - restart time

    Hey guys! As you know, when you choose a map in FFA, there is some info about the map like name, amount of players, region, etc. My idea is to add the time before restart in this info. Like “Restart in: {time}” ‘Thanks for reading, bye! <3
  20. 3BDVIP

    All Networks Rankup system For FFA

    Hello i would the cubecraft Staff add a Rankup system that when you get a amount of kills get you a rank its boring only to kill without anything and make the kills permently when you leave it start from the begging and for the rank s like you to add those ranks Unranked 0 kills to 49 Bronze I...
  21. D

    FFA Did someone alredy discover this lever??

    I literally found this by accident lol. And like the others, it possibly doesn't do anything.
  22. yhertg

    FFA Secret room

    I was walking around in the FFA map Mayan when I saw a giant room with walls of ice with a sign with this text on it: Mistery is coming. I looked it up but there wasn't anything that I could find about it. does anyone have an idea what it is?
  23. Eddieboy123

    Resolved Is this teaming in FFA

    Im not sure if this is teaming because I submitted a report like this but it was denied but i want to check whether is teaming
  24. Wulfiee

    Resolved Bedrock and Java FFA maps

    The other day while playing Java CubeCraft FFA I noticed that they got quite a few maps that aren't added to bedrock, any specific reason why?
  25. WaxierTester568

    Video Cubecraft Bedrock FFA!

    Hi! This is an FFA Video!
  26. SoloWarz

    All Networks Battle Arena (Duels) Suggestion

    Hey, cubecrafters! Let's dive quickly into the suggestion: When you play duels and win/lose, it only shows if you want to duel (x) player again, if you accept and the (x) player accepts, then you will duel again, but, if you choose to accept or deni and (x) player denies, then it sends you...
  27. Wulfiee

    Implemented FFA regeneration system

    Current problems with the regen Current regen is fine when you fighting someone but when you are not it takes you 1 minute and 15 seconds total (+-75 seconds) to heal from half a heart to full (10) hearts. Making you wait quite a bit till your next fight as well as making it harder for you to...
  28. N

    Bring Normal FFA back and add some variety into your PvP modes

    Bring back Normal FFA or maybe combine it with Overpowered FFA to make a new game mode and add some variety into your PvP gamemodes. Just having the overpowered FFA is getting boring. If you have any other suggestions leave them below
  29. HikaruKimuraa


    They need to remove this kit as it is very OP. You can literally kill shoppers with this kit and also when they make you 4v1. It is a kit that does not require any type of skill, since they can kill you only with potions without using just the sword. Many my opponent and I are at very little...
  30. steveymcsteve07

    All Networks One in a quiver FFA mode

    What is one in a quiver: One in a quiver is a bow gamemode where killing anyone gives you 1 arrow and bows 1 shot kill The default kit includes a stone sword, a bow, and 1 arrow. Why it should be an FFA mode: One in a quiver is a pretty fun satisfying game mode. It's fun to use to practice aim...
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