Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. ItzCamJam

    Is fortnite a possibility?

    No, this isn't the regular fortnite with guns and legendary items. This is the fortnite that has golden swords and bows for weapons. If you are living under a rock and DON'T know what fortnite is, click the spoiler below. Fortnite is extremely popular these days and this could be one of the...
  2. TweetGuy

    Versions of Games!

    Oke, i was a little bit looking around at my favorite game Lucky Islands. And i saw complaints about it and i heard the same complaints about the skywars update. So i thought perhaps you could add versions to the game like Lucky Islands version 1, version 2... And the same with Skywars! People...
  3. ItzCamJam

    Lobby Games review!!! {Un-Official}

    Cubecraft has actually surprised me with an update, and this time it was a good surprise. Fishing and digging are great ways to earn points and the chest finder is a bomb of everything big. While this is a great game that is played regularly, maybe Cube can add in two games we never got to see...
  4. ArianCra

    Weekly/Monthly top

    I propose that, (apart from the global top) add a new top that is monthly or weekly, for example, games won, kills, but just in that month or week. and the first places get like "rewards" for get in the top. It's boring that they are always the same guys in the top, please read us!!!
  5. Sailor_Rabbit


    Hello fellow earth-crawlers, my name is Chum, and after a very long time of playing on Cube-Craft, (I would like to say that the first time of me playing this game, was on 2015, which was 2 years ago. and with 2018 comin' up, I'mma be here for 3 freakin' years!) So, long ago, a YouTuber named...
  6. remio

    Suggestion: How to get more players on CubeCraft?

    Hey, I'm RemiO05 and I made another suggestion thread! I hope you're happy to hear this :p. My thread is going about a major problem: CubeCraft is going downwards. I know, we are still on the second place of the best Minecraft Servers, but all the new games, except MinerWare are in my opinnion...
  7. DarkWolf283

    New Eggwars Map - By DarkWolf283

    Hello Cube Craft community! I would just like to say that I made a 3 player map for you and if you would please respond to this I would be VERY happy. My friends never really play the game anymore but they agreed to play if I got my OWN MAP on the server. I have bought a rank (GOLD) So it would...
  8. soysuva

    5 Minute RE-JOIN Command or Button NEEDS TO BE IMPLEMENTED

    Please add a 5 minute re-join if a player get's suddenly kicked while in a Tower Defense game. I've been having many games where I just get kicked without warning. No errors. No lag. No internet issues. This feature needs to be added! EDIT: For every game. I don't know how to change the title...
  9. ItzCamJam

    What did we "forget"?

    Cubecraft has come a long way. We all can agree with that. I remember when voting wasn't a thing, and the first staff member I saw was Lezappen as a Helper. Cubecraft brought in new games and cosmetics over the past year, and they plan to add more. For example, I know some Parkour is returning...
  10. remio


    Hi, I'm RemiO05! I'm 12 years old and I'm happy to be on the CCG Forums! I know I'm registered since 2016, but I just want to introduce myself! xD I really like to play football and game with friends! I don't say so much because I also have a bit of privacy xD! Bye Bye!
  11. ItzCamJam

    Replacing Parkour

    I'm going to be straight, if Parkour hasn't been back in over 18 months, then there probably isn't a point into bringing it back, unless if it is MASSIVE. If it ain't coming back, ya better make something else happen. My idea: The Building Games Ya have Island Games, PvP games. Welcome...
  12. remio


    WOW CUBE REALLY THANK YOU FOR THE MERCHANDISE! What do you think about the merchandise? Comment below!
  13. StuffWithJason

    New Kits on Survival Games

    Axeman kit- Starts with 2 steak, leather chestplate, wood axe, and 2 sticks. Costs 500 points Crazed Kit- Starts with a sharpness 1 wooden sword When in battle, has blindness but strength 2 Costs 650 points Hunter kit- Starts with 2...
  14. faeriekiing


    Will the Blight game from The Chunk ever return? It was one of my favorite games and I haven't been able to play it since The Chunk got shut down.
  15. Jackxist

    Cubecraft - Island Games Gamemode - Tropical Wars

    So we all know of the current 2, and soon to be 3 game modes you get in Island Games but what if there would be a fourth Minigame. So we have come up with an idea for a new game mode that I have compiled into sections for your convenience, Enjoy :). Notes: 1 - If you agree with this...
  16. remio

    A new mode in minerware

    I think it will be nice if there is a new mode in minerware! There is a normal and hard mode, but I think it will be nice if there is a easy mode, for the beginning players! Vote below
  17. DreamFudge

    Island Games

    I don't understand why Cubecraft is adding this without any notification to the community. Everyday they are asking for suggestions and what to implement but then they go and add a completely new game. Kind of makes us feel useless.
  18. Jens Dom

    Personal servers

    It would be nice if cubecraft added personal servers like mineplex where you can create your own personal server and choose your minigame you want to play on it. From a certain rank you get acces to the command to create one. And maby add something like how higher the players rank is the more...
  19. DreamFudge


    Hi everyone, I really want to get the idea of competitions out there for every game. I think Cubecraft should have some committee for competitions an those who win should get cubelets, experience etc for prizes. Hope you take this under consideration.
  20. DreamFudge

    Skywars Percentage Winnings

    Hi everyone! I'm sure that this has crossed the minds of some of you because it sure has crossed mine multiple times. Let's be honest Skywars is probably the most competitive game mode and because of that there should be an addition to amount of games played and game losses. YOU SHOULD ADD WIN...
  21. Ronkai

    List of Suggestions

    Here's a list of suggestions I have for games and the server itself. This may be edited in the future, let me know what you guys think. C: When you die in a game, don't show the death screen, instead bring the player straight into spectator mode. In spectator mode, have an option to "Join the...
  22. Foxy011

    The Dispenser Challenge - Mini-Game

    Hey guys! I have thought of a possible mini game that could be added, and I think it would be a quite fun game to add :D. The 'Dispenser Challenge', where you and another player spawn in a large room filled with dispensers lined up on both sides of the room. This game could have the option of...
  23. Foxy011


    Hey all! Just a suggestion I have been thinking about for Cubecraft: I know we have some very competitive players on this server, so a few tournaments in my opinion would be brilliant! Games for Tournaments: SkyWars Lucky Islands Survival Games Minerware Ultra Hardcore PVP EggWars Spleef...
  24. VIJOEP

    Introducing myself.

    Hi everyone, My name is Joep (IGN: VIJOEP) I’m a 15-year-old Dutch boy. I like to play field hockey, playing video-games and hanging out with friends. I graduated this year and I will start a new journey on the same school. When its nice weather I work on the beach, I rent beach beds to people...
  25. Pwy_

    What is Your Favorite Game to Play on Cubecraft?

    Hi there people, I was wondering what is your guys's fav game to play on Cubecraft?
  26. Lllamacorn

    Building games

    Not everyone who plays cube craft is good at PVP, some people are better at things like building, There should be different games in the creative building area like building competitions and build swaps so people who excel more at building things can show off their skills
  27. J

    R.I.P Parkour!

    Cubecraft was one of the first servers I played on when I got Minecraft (which was 5+ YEARS ago). My friend and I would always play it and we'd have such a fun time. Our favorite map was the garden parkour. It's so sad to see in thrown away and not paid attention to. Parkour has been down for...
  28. SFN01_LP

    Money Walls

    Alright so it`s been a while since Money wall got replaced by BlockBand ( A gamemode I dont like) Why did Money Walls got deleted/replaced by BlockBand ? It was such a great game. Such a shame , I was hopping that it might come back ... , but .. it didn`t ;( . There were always/most of the...
  29. I

    Teaming is not allowed but...

    In solo games like Skywars, eggwars and hungergames is it not allowed to team. But ignore your friends? Just dont kill your friends. Is that allowed? (srry for bad english ;P)
  30. Foxy011

    Hide and Seek?

    Hey all, just wondering why hide and seek has been gone for so long and is it ever coming back? Thanks!
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