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lucky block

  1. Roxrock

    All Networks Lucky Islands Feedback #3: Diamond lucky blocks

    Diamond lucky blocks are like normal lucky blocks, except with certain drops removed. Generally, the quality of loot is significantly better than it is for normal lucky blocks. I took a small sample of the loot table here, but this will mostly be based on my subjective and personal experience...
  2. Deepslate

    Video bestest ever video ever ever ever

  3. Roxrock

    All Networks Lucky Islands Feedback #2: Normal lucky blocks

    Normal lucky blocks are the most basic and primary way of obtaining loot. It is also the most frequently updated and changed loot table. It was changed significantly in the 1.19 update, when not only were several new drops introduced, but old drops had drop rates changed, and in some cases...
  4. Deepslate

    Video Can I win bridge if I wait 10 seconds?

  5. Roxrock

    Bedrock Lucky islands feedback #1: Kits

    Lucky Islands recently received two major content updates, the 1.19 update and the August update. Both of these updates failed to update kits, which have been overdue for an update for months now, in my opinion. Not only are lucky islands kits old and stale, but they are bland, underpowered, and...
  6. Roxrock

    Lucky Islands Solos Guide(under construction)

    Lucky Islands Solos Guide Guide is best viewed in dark mode [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER] Drop Overpowered variant In blessed? Drop rate (to be added) [/SPOILER] Drop Overpowered variant In blessed? Drop rate (to be added) [/SPOILER] [/SPOILER]...
  7. Roxrock

    Bedrock Remove bedrock from lucky islands

    This new update has been a ton of fun with lucky islands, adding more chaotic and broken features (such as giving players /fly) which I really enjoyed overall. The only thing I think needs removed is bedrock blocks, to prevent players from camping. I think most players would agree that giving...
  8. Roxrock

    Bedrock Lucky Islands Leap feather in lucky islands

    So, I was playing lucky islands when I got 9 chickens out of a lucky block. some suffocated and I picked up their feathers. I dropped them out of my inventory. Later, I accidentally picked them back up with even more feathers. I was going to throw them away again, but then I noticed the three...
  9. ProbFine

    Video Cinematic Minecraft pt.2

    So, this one is a bit more sketchy and experimental than the previous one. Hope you enjoy.
  10. FreckledMamaAsh

    Inactive Lucky Islands Teams Map Not Loading

    Lucky Islands Teams maps not loading. Nothing is. All I can see is what is pictured. The other Lucky Block games load and play just fine. Connection is good. Any ideas? And yes, even after cages open and it’s normal gameplay it looks like this.
  11. ace096488

    All Networks Trios

    Hi I'm DanishAcei have a friend group of three and we would always play squads with a stranger but we have always hoped there would be trios so we could communicate with each other more easily and effectively through a game so i would just hope you're team would approve of this and make it...
  12. Spring5972

    Bedrock Nerf every wand cooldown from 50% to 30% in Overpowered modifier types for Lucky Blocks (all modes).

    Wands are significantly too much power of cooldowns. 50% is definitely too much. It’s too quick, it causes a ridiculous amount of chaos meaning it is a spam with wands such as slime and TNT. So we have a plan, make the wands to have a colder cooldown to be exactly 30% so it isn’t big chaos...
  13. H

    Lucky Islands DUO to lucky blocks greedy team mates and team killers

    DUO to lucky blocks greedy team mates and team killers i just wana play with my buddy and not have that happen
  14. Stennos

    Lucky Islands Infinite life glitch

    I got killed and respawned in mid, just wanted to point this out cause that's a problem.
  15. J

    Bedrock Lucky Blocks and solo games suggestions :)

    Lucky blocks is probably my favorite game mode, but I think there is something that would make it even better. In all games I've tried I can't join a solo match if in a party, I think that would be a great addition to the server. But also, there is no duo mode for lucky blocks. It is a really...
  16. DarkStray

    Bedrock [REPOST] Ranked Playlist - Featured Mode

    Ranked Playlist Ideas •Point Systems •LTM Scoreboard(“Game Statistics”) with suggestions •Matchmaking •Gamemode “shuffle” or Playlist Reset Who Would this Effect? This would effect the competitive players! I want this Competitive gameplay to be A CHOICE meaning it’s NOT IN THE CORE MODES it...
  17. OhHate


    Hello, how are you all, I have seen the posts on the subject of clans, the truth is that I have a GREAT idea, I do this post to reinforce the idea, obviously I leave the credits of the people who started with this topic (at least the that I believe) I know it has been a while since they came up...
  18. 1

    Java Lucky Islands - AFK players

    Lucky Islands - anyway to counteract people who stay AFK throughout whole game, please tell me if there is already a way to find players that I'm not already aware of(besides using a compass if I get one). I've had this happen to me a few times where players would sneak underground and I would...
  19. Socratias

    Video They Updated Lucky Islands

    cubecraft funny jokester Disclaimer: This video contains swear words.
  20. Socratias

    Video Trying To Be Lucky Attempt #45

    Nebby is so cute Disclaimer: This video contains swear words.
  21. S

    Lucky Blocks are still sponges!

    Hey Cubecraft, I have a problem for arround 4 days now. It seems like I have a problem with the resource pack. When i play lucky blocks, lucky blocks are still sponges. But everything else is fine. I like to have some information about how i can fix this problem. Thank you, darkabel06
  22. Socratias

    Video My Birthday Was Fun... I Think

    Monster Monster High 🎶 Disclaimer: This video contains swear words.
  23. Socratias

    Video Steves Protecting Their Property

    Everyone makes mistakes. Disclaimer: This video contains swear words.
  24. Socratias

    Video Having A Friendly Discussion With A Mod

    Why yes of course, I don’t go outside even when the sun is quite literally burning me! Dislaimer: This video contains swear words
  25. Socratias

    Video Man, Lucky Islands Really Is Something Else

    Go NASA, go SpaceX. Godspeed @CaptainNebby Dislaimer: This video contains swear words
  26. Socratias

    Video Boredom Lead To Playing With A Mod ft. Livchi

    shut up livchi nooobbbb (make sure to check the ending) Disclaimer: There are some swear words in the video.
  27. Socratias

    Video New Skin, New Me (I tryharded Skywars)

    scooootlaaanddd foreverrrrrr Disclaimer: There are some swear words in the video.
  28. Monkikey

    Your most akwards moments in Lucky Islands

    Hey everybody ! I'm gonna share again tonight my love for Lucky Islands (the game which literally gave me so many good times here and the game which motivate me to be part of the Translations Team ahah), with a fun topic :) A very simple topic. You all know what is Lucky Islands right ? You...
  29. Socratias

    Video Loading The Lucky Islands' Pack Be Like

    God save our gracious Queen: @CaptainNebby Disclaimer: There are some swear words in the video.
  30. Zebooky

    Java New Lucky Block Idea

    I'm sure people who played Lucky Islands agree that there should be a little more variety in the lucky blocks. I have thought hard and came up with one idea. BUCKETS! 1 lucky block gives the player 1 lava bucket, 1 water bucket, and 1 bucket of milk. This idea, in my opinion, would change the...
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